Have you often gotten to that great kissing stage with a guy only to find that he's not all that interested in prolonging the embrace? Do you think you might be lacking the best technique to keep his lips interested in yours? Would you like to learn how to give the best kisses that will keep him coming back for more? A bad kiss can leave a stale taste in your mouth while a great kiss can stay with you forever.
 While preferences may vary slightly, for the most part the following tips will lead you to tantalizing kisses that will keep him hungry for more.
The Right Pucker So you see him approaching and you know he's going to kiss you and you pucker up, right? Well, not exactly.
 It might be good enough for a quick goodnight kiss, but you're better off reserving that tight pucker for family and friends.
 This is a time when you want your lips more relaxed and supple, so loosen up that pucker and receive him with tender lips.
The Parting Some women see a guy get close and they open up to receive him.
 You don't really want to so much as open your mouth as you want to gently part your lips.
 Soft lips that part easily under his pressure are far more tantalizing than the mouth that is gaping wide open.
The Tongue Twist Don't go into a dizzying twirl and don't poke your tongue in like a spike.
 Stay soft and slow, letting your tongue slowly go in to tease and play with his.
 Be attentive and notice his response.
 Is he on board or is he turned off? Adjust your movements accordingly.
And on a final note, no matter how you go about it, ensure your breath is fresh and inviting.
 While preferences may vary slightly, for the most part the following tips will lead you to tantalizing kisses that will keep him hungry for more.
The Right Pucker So you see him approaching and you know he's going to kiss you and you pucker up, right? Well, not exactly.
 It might be good enough for a quick goodnight kiss, but you're better off reserving that tight pucker for family and friends.
 This is a time when you want your lips more relaxed and supple, so loosen up that pucker and receive him with tender lips.
The Parting Some women see a guy get close and they open up to receive him.
 You don't really want to so much as open your mouth as you want to gently part your lips.
 Soft lips that part easily under his pressure are far more tantalizing than the mouth that is gaping wide open.
The Tongue Twist Don't go into a dizzying twirl and don't poke your tongue in like a spike.
 Stay soft and slow, letting your tongue slowly go in to tease and play with his.
 Be attentive and notice his response.
 Is he on board or is he turned off? Adjust your movements accordingly.
And on a final note, no matter how you go about it, ensure your breath is fresh and inviting.