Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Trickle Vents And Other Handy Construction Tools

When it comes to house construction, there is a lot to think about and consider. The good news is however that there are some innovative and useful tools and pieces of equipment on the market that can not only make the whole process easier, but can also ensure the house is built to an extremely high standard. This article provides information about all the handy bits of equipment that can help making house building easier and ensure it is airtight, damp proof, well insulated and generally well built.

Let's start with cavity closers. When building a home, generally cavities between the walls are included. Modern houses are usually built with two layers of bricks, between them being a space for air to pass. This is to ensure the buildings stay dry and free from damp. When you have a cavity such as this however installing windows and doors can be difficult without a closer in place - a piece of equipment that fits into place, sealing the cavity and acting as a robust and solid window or door template. With this in place, the rest of the build can continue with ease and windows and doors can be easily installed at a later date. It is quite a simple idea but a cavity closer is effective and useful and is now used throughout the building trade. An additional benefit of the cavity closer is that it offers further thermal insulation around the opening. Windows and doors are common places where heat escapes in winter and sun comes in during the summer. A cavity closure reduces this which helps keep the house at the right temperature, keeps the fuel bills down and helps protect the environment too.

There are different types of cavity closer available, but generally they are made of uPVC, a very durable material that is cost effective and extremely long lasting. There are cavity closers that come with an added layer of padded insulation for reducing the chance that heat can escape, and there are also anti-fire varieties. These are coated with an aluminum barrier that doesn't burn. House without cavity closers waste a lot more fuel heating and cooling the house. They are also at more risk or burning to the ground in the event of a fire. As you can see, they are a small but very important part of a house build.

Another problem that can occur in houses is humidity. This can cause condensation to appear on the windows and dampness all around the home. Sometimes mould can even grow. Mould is not only unsightly it can also be dangerous. Anyone who suffers from asthma or allergies can be put at more risk with spores in the home and sometimes damp mould can cause other respiratory problems too. Having mould or damp in the home can cause long term health problems for the occupants, especially children. One solution is keeping the windows open, but during winter you may as well be throwing five pound notes away, and in the summer you will need to reach for the air conditioner as the whole house heats up. A more efficient solution is a trickle vent. These are small ventilation holes that are implanted into window frames. The holes are small so there is no security risk and they simply allow air to pass so humidity cannot accumulate.

Ensuring the installation of trickle vents and cavity barriers in your home will make sure it is dry and well insulated and even protected to an extent against fire. If you want the very best insulation throughout your home you should also consider fitting upvc windows and doors which are not only cost effective very efficient at retaining heat too.
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