When searching for a way to get your ex back, many people make this much harder than it has to be.
Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying that any of this will be easy.
The problem is in the mistakes that so many people make in trying to reconcile their relationship.
By avoiding these critical blunders, you stand a much better chance to get your ex back.
Blunder 1: Begging and pleading.
This is no way for you to try to get your ex back.
You come off looking needy and desperate.
Neither of these is a quality that anyone worth dating is looking for in a partner.
Before running back and throwing yourself at their feet for forgiveness, ask yourself if this is something that you find desirable in someone else? Blunder 2: Not taking responsibility for your actions.
This is an absolute relationship killer.
If you have done or said something that has upset your partner, whether it is real or imagined, you are going to have to apologise for it.
If you can not do this, you are going to face some major trust and credibility issues in the future.
Blunder 3: Playing the jealousy card.
I know that many people recommend this as a method to get your ex back, and I will admit that it has some merit.
The problem is that people use this tactic too soon.
Making your mate jealous should be used only as a last resort, because it can backfire so easily.
Sure, you will get the attention of your partner but it may not be in a positive way.
The last thing that you are looking to do is to push them away from you, so use this tactic carefully.
Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying that any of this will be easy.
The problem is in the mistakes that so many people make in trying to reconcile their relationship.
By avoiding these critical blunders, you stand a much better chance to get your ex back.
Blunder 1: Begging and pleading.
This is no way for you to try to get your ex back.
You come off looking needy and desperate.
Neither of these is a quality that anyone worth dating is looking for in a partner.
Before running back and throwing yourself at their feet for forgiveness, ask yourself if this is something that you find desirable in someone else? Blunder 2: Not taking responsibility for your actions.
This is an absolute relationship killer.
If you have done or said something that has upset your partner, whether it is real or imagined, you are going to have to apologise for it.
If you can not do this, you are going to face some major trust and credibility issues in the future.
Blunder 3: Playing the jealousy card.
I know that many people recommend this as a method to get your ex back, and I will admit that it has some merit.
The problem is that people use this tactic too soon.
Making your mate jealous should be used only as a last resort, because it can backfire so easily.
Sure, you will get the attention of your partner but it may not be in a positive way.
The last thing that you are looking to do is to push them away from you, so use this tactic carefully.