Health & Medical Lose Weight

The A to Z of Herbal Weight Loss

There are a far too many herbal weight loss supplements on the market to do a comprehensive survey of all them.
These products come in a variety of forms including pills, teas and patches.
Are any of them any good or can some of the ingredients do you serious harm.
Herbal weight loss product are usually sold as food supplements rather than medicines - this means that they do not have to undergo rigorous safety testing and, providing their claims are carefully worded, the manufacturers do not have to prove their claims.
In this article I have looked at some of the popular ingredients that are included in these products.
Acai Berry The acai berry has been surrounded by an amazing amount of hype claiming that it can do everything from accelerating weight loss to curing diabetes.
The acai berry is the fruit of the acai palm, a native of Brazil.
The berries themselves contain very high levels of antioxidant which has led to them being called a "superfood".
The level of antioxidant makes acai a worthwhile part of a healthy diet but to date their is no scientific evidence that they can aid weight loss.
It is debatable what nutritional value remains after the berries have been processed for inclusion in diet supplements - it is probably better to have them in a smootie or drink the juice.
Apple Cider Vinegar Vinegar has been believe to assist in weight loss for a long time.
There are some studies of the effects of apple cider vinegar but results are preliminary.
In a study of 11 people with type 2 diabetes it was shown to reduce blood glucose levels by 4-6%.
Studies in rats have shown that it may be able to reduce blood pressure and help with high cholesterol, but these studies have not progressed to human trials.
Laboratory studies have suggested that apple cider vinegar can kill cancer cells.
In 2005 a study showed that it can make people feel fuller when taken with food, although this is probably true of any type of vinegar, as the vinegar used in this study was white vinegar.
Caffeine Caffeine is a stimulant and can make you feel for energized.
However, in order to significantly increase your calorie usage you would have to consume a very large amount of caffeine.
Caffeine also has a diuretic effect; this means that it will cause the body to lose a larger quantity of water than it normally would thus increasing the need for fluid intake.
Chromium Picolinate.
This is a synthetic compound (so not exactly herbal).
It is reported to regulate blood sugar levels and promote the burning of carbohydrates and fats.
The balance of evidence is that chromium picolinate is safe, after earlier fears that it may be linked to DNA damage and cancer.
The Food Standards Agency in the UK advises that most people can get the chromium they need from a healthy, balanced diet but for those who wish to supplement their diet with chromium the maximum level recommended in 10mg per day.
Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia Cambogia is a native of Indonesia.
It has a yellowish, pumpkin shaped fruit and has been used in traditional Indian medicine for oedema, delayed menstruation, constipation, intestinal parasites, rheumatism and bowel complaints.
The extract and rind of the fruit is also used as a curry condiment.
It has been claimed that extracts of this plant (primarily the fruit) are an appetite suppressant, although there is no evidence to support this.
The fruit contains hydroxycitric acid which is potentially damaging to the liver.
This ingredient is used in the weight loss supplement Hydroxycut which has been linked to liver failure and death.
Gymnostema Pentaphyllum Gymnostemna Pentaphyllum also known as Jiaogulan or Southern Ginseng.
It is usually consumed as a herbal tea it is believed to increase the body's resistance to stress, anxiety and fatigue.
It is also been shown to have antioxidant properties and act as a tumour inhibitor.
In human studies it has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels.
Green Tea Extract Green tea and other exotically named products such as Wulong tea have long been promoted as assisting with weight loss; there is no strong evidence to support this although most types of tea derived from camellia sinensis (including "normal" black tea) do have good antioxidant properties.
A lot of research to date has focused on a flavonoid called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG; most of this research has not yet progressed beyond laboratory studies and they human trials that have been conducted have been badly designed.
A lot of herbal diet products contain green tea extract and EGCG; there is no evidence that this is going to do anything at all.
You're better off just drinking tea.
Gymnema Sylvestre Gymnema Sylvestre is a herb native to the tropical forests of southern and central India where it has been used as a treatment for diabetes for nearly two millennia.
It has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels when used for an extended period of time.
It also appears to reduce sugar cravings although the effects are short lived at around fifteen minutes.
Hoodia Gordonii (Hoodia) Hoodia gordonii is a leafless, succulent plant which grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia.
It has long been known by the indigenous populations of these areas as a treatment for indigestion and small infections.
However, it is also used to suppress appetites when making long hunting trips - and it is this later use that has sparked interest.
There have been attempts to manufacture the active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii but work on this was stopped due to problems synthesizing it; although there are also suggested of unwanted effects on the liver being caused by components that could not easily be removed.
There is only anecdotal evidence that Hoodia works as an appetite suppressant in humans and studies in other animals have been inclusive, some suggesting that it would be very difficult to consume enough of the active ingredient to have any effect.
Hoodia gordonii is a species threatened with extinction if international trade is not monitoted and it is illegal to export from Africa without the appropriate CITES certificate being issued by the proper authorities.
A BBC report from January 2008 suggests that Hoodia gordonii is facing extinction due to the interest in it.
Senna Senna is a herbal laxative and is found in many herbal weight loss products including some weight loss teas.
Senna works by stimulating the colon but can cause dehydration and colon problems.
There is also absolutely no evidence that it promotes weight loss.
John's Wort
John's Wort is the plant species Hypericum perforatum and is most widely known as a treatment for mild and moderate depression and may be useful for the treatment of alcoholism.
It has not been shown to have any properties directly related to weight loss.
John's Wort should not be taken in conjunction with other anti-depresents or triptans (a group of medications used in the treatment of migraine and cluster headaches).
Evidence also suggests that St.
John's Wort induces certain enzymes in the liver, this causes drugs that are metabolized by these enzymes to be metabolized more quickly leading to lower concentrations of the drug and reducing their effect.
The list of drugs that interact with St.
John's Wort in this way include oral contraceptives, warfarin, ciclosporin, amitriptyline, various anticonvulsant drugs, simvastatin, alprazolam, various HIV treatments, digoxin and theopyllins.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive, if you are planning on taking St.
John's Wort (or anything containing St.
John's Wort) and are on any other medication you should check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting the St.
John's Wort.
It is also recommended that St.
John's Wort should not be used in pregnancy or when breast feeding as there is no evidence of safety.
Rhodiola rosea Rhodiola rosea, also called Golden Root, Roseroot, Aaron's Rod is a plant that grows in cold regions of the world.
It has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate depression; studies on whether Rhodiola improves physical performance have proved inconclusive.
Withania Somnifera Withania Somnifera is a plant in the nightshade family having yellow flowers and red fruit.
It has been reported to have anti-carcinogenic effects in animal cell cultures but has not been reported to have any particular effects in relation to weight loss.
These are just a few of the more common ingredients, it is important to remember that these herbal weight loss products are not licensed as pharmaceuticals and are not rigorously tested.
In a recent BBC report some diet pills imported from outside the UK were found to contain amphetamines, which are a controlled drug and can have detrimental health effects.
In conclusion, very few of the ingredients that appear in herbal weight loss products have been shown to have any effect; in many cases there have been some studies conducted but often these have not progressed beyond the laboratory.
Where human trials have been conducted they have not been well designed, randomized trials.
The only thing that is going to guarantee weight loss is burning more calories than you consume.
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