Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Attract Guys - The Most Powerful Supertip For Attracting Guys

The Most Powerful Super-Tip For Attracting Guys and Making Men Like You

I am going to show you an amazing tip on how to make men like you and feel totally comfortable with you. Applying this trick you will have a man feeling like he is known you for years and he will have no idea why but you will.

To help you understand the psychology behind this tip for attracting guys and making men like you, think about times that you've been in a group of people who maybe you didn't know at all. You will probably remember that there is one or two specific people in that group that for some unexplained reason you felt more comfortable with. These were the people in the group that you would most likely gravitate towards and start conversations with. There is a very specific and explainable reason why you felt more comfortable with these people. Once should know the secret you can apply it at will.

The secret behind this is called rapport. You felt more comfortable with one or two people in that group because for some reason you felt they were more like you were that they would understand you. The reason you felt that way is without you knowing it or realizing it they were mirroring you.

You see most people try to relate to other people with words. People usually do this by saying things like 'me too' 'yea I know what you mean'. When you are talking and people say things like that what they are really trying to communicate is that they are like you. However science has proven that when it comes to communication between two human beings 83% of that communication is nonverbal. Meaning 83% of communication comes from observing another individuals body language, facial expressions, tone of voice.

Attracting Guys and Making Men Like You By Making Them Feel Comfortable with You

So the way to make someone, including a man, feel like you are just like them which will result in them feeling comfortable being with you, talking with you, and liking you, is don't say 'me too' with the words say it with your body. This is a technique called mirroring. Mirroring is the most powerful way to attract guys, make guys feel comfortable with you, and make guys like you.

You can find tons of tips and techniques like this for attracting men and making guys like you with a guide called Men Made Easy.

The way to pull this off is actually very simple but you have to be careful that you don't do it in a manner that you look like you're making fun of the guy or being like a monkey. Simply imitate the guy that you want to like you. So if the guy is sitting there talking to you and he crosses his arms wait a few seconds and cross your arms. Don't do it in the exact same way in the exact same manner so it isn't noticeable and you're not perceived as mimicking or imitating him. If he crosses his legs you cross your legs. If he is talking in a low pitched tone of voice at a slow pace you do the same. You can even take it as far as mirroring very subtle behavior. This very powerful form of mirroring would be to mirror his breathing pattern. Breathe the way he is breathing. Talk with the tone of voice that he is talking with. Talk at the speed he is talking.

This is something we psychologists and therapists do all the time with patients. It is called entering the patient's world. The entire objective as a therapist is to get your patient to feel totally comfortable with you. That way they will open up and provide you with insight into their thoughts and emotions. The idea is to first mirror the person. Very quickly they start to feel comfortable, open up and reveal things.

Once You Have Enter The Guys World You Can Actually Start To Control Him

With a little bit of practice as you start to get good at this you will pretty soon actually have the power to start controlling a man with mirroring. Once you have effectively entered his world and created that feeling that you are just like him which makes them feel totally comfortable you can actually then start to do what is called in psychology 'leading' where he will actually start to follow and mirror you unconsciously. So let's say for instance you've been effectively mirroring the guy for the past 15 minutes and you've totally entered his world you will know you have done your job effectively because you can do something with your body and he will actually start to follow you and mirror you. This would be totally unconscious on his part he would have no idea that he is doing it.

So what is an effective way to use mirroring to control a guy?

Let's say you're in a conversation with the guy you have effectively been mirroring him and he seems tense or stressed. Once you have been mirroring him and he's starting to match you if you want him to relax just start exhibiting relaxed body patterns and he will follow. For examples start talking much more slowly and evenly and talk at a slower pace he will start to follow you which will automatically make him relax.
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