Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Why Everyone Should Have a Toxic Mold Inspection Performed in Their Homes

It's one thing to have a few specks of mold on your shower curtain. That, in itself, is no reason to arrange a toxic mold inspection. But in cases where you suspect there may be a mold problem in other areas of your home, you must have the situation checked out by mold removal specialists.

What might make you think your home has mold in it? Ask yourself if there are any dark, moist and poorly ventilated areas within the structure you live in. If there are, there's a good possibility that a mold home inspection would detect the presence of mold.

In the northeast, the weather is often damp – in both summer and winter. Take that damp weather and put it into, say, a dark basement or attic with little or no ventilation, and most toxic mold inspection companies will tell you that there is mold in your home.

When performing a mold home inspection, technicians can measure not only the quantity but the specific species of mold. Once these are determined, they will completely seal off the area where the mold exists in order to protect others in the dwelling, and then begin the process of remediation (removal). This can involve the use of many different types of equipment and solutions, depending on where the mold is, how much there is and what type it is.

Thanks to the media, many consumers believe they can get rid of mold on their own. A number of bleach-based products exist that are sold for people to use to kill mold. However, as noted above, toxic mold inspection professionals know that while these spray products can kill the mold you can see, what about the mold you can't see?

Mold spores multiply, and they can exist in small enough quantities that make them invisible to the eye and can only be detected by a mold home inspection. The spores can become airborne and get into a home's heating and cooling systems – then there's mold everywhere, and then there's a big problem.

What symptoms can mold cause in a human? Mold can lead to skin irritation, nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, and wheezing. In sensitive people with mold allergies, these symptoms can be magnified considerably. In people with asthma, mold can trigger an attack, and children with asthma area particularly at risk.

In summary, mold is documented as a potential health risk to humans. The CDC and other organizations have been warning people for years of the danger of this fungus. Only through a mold home inspection can you find out if mold exists in your home and then have it professionally removed.

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