Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Book Review - Galloway"s Book On Running (Shelter 2nd Edition, 2002)

In a Nutshell: This is a comprehensive book about running from form to rest and injuries.
Galloway covers all the major aspects of running, how to train and how to avoid risks of getting hurt.
Why Buy This Book You'll be interested in buying this book if you are interested in running and making it a part of your exercise program.
You'll learn everything you'll need to get started, how to train, how to improve, what kind of diet to eat, signs of on-coming injury and how to cross-train.
The book is very comprehensive.
You'll read stories about real runner's and their successes.
You'll want this book if you are looking for motivation to run and stay in a program.
The psychological side of running and overcoming inertia is well covered in this book.
There is even a section on running for women, kids and people over 40.
If you are new to the sport, then this is a great investment because you will have all the information you need to be a smart, properly trained and dressed runner for the rest of your life.
Why Not Buy This Book This book isn't for the pros.
If you have been a serious runner, you might not find the programs your style.
If you don't want to incorporate walking into your program, you might not heed Galloway's advice.
This book doesn't cover diet in great detail despite having a chapter dedicated to the subject.
If you are looking for special recipes, they won't be found here.
Also, it's not the lose-weight-while-running type of book either.
If that is your main goal, this book doesn't provide that kind of information.
If you are familiar with running injuries and their beginning symptoms, you probably won't find the information here as in-depth as you might wish to find.
While Galloway advises rest as part of your program to long-term success, he doesn't give lots of details about how to overcome the beginning stages of the slump and fatigue cycle.
Why I recommend This Book This book is my running bible.
I've read it many times and consult it first whenever I have a question or doubt about running.
In the 5 years I've had this book, I've found it very insightful and useful.
It can regularly be found on my nightstand for a quick glance about any current questions I have with regards to my running program.
Galloway does a fantastic job of explaining the evolution of your desire to run from beginner to racer.
It is full of motivational tips and tricks, mantras and motivational lines that will get you across the finish line in any race.
I know because thanks to this book not only did I complete my second half-marathon in just two hours (quickly shaving 30 min from my time) but it helped me produce a mindset that ultimately lead me to running my first marathon and having the faith in my ability to finish it.
If you are serious about wanting to be a runner, you'll find something in this book that will be of use, no matter what your level of skill.
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