Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Why Is It That the More You Ignore a Man the More He Chases You? Here Is Why That Happens

It has often been noticed by a lot of women that the more they ignore a man, the more the man chases them.
Some of the reasons for this are as follows: It is a challenge for him Men find that a woman who makes then work hard for her attention is somewhat of a challenge.
That appeals to their basic characteristic and makes them more interested in her.
It also appeases a part of his hormone driven mind.
It makes you more desirable The more you ignore a man the more desirable he finds you.
It is because he cannot have you that he wants you even more in his life.
And since you make it seem that you don't desire him you go up on his desire quotient.
It boosts a man's ego It gives a man's ego a big boost when he chases a woman.
When they go after a woman who is difficult to get then they are challenging their peers and getting that woman gives their ego and self confidence a huge boost.
So, they will go on and on chasing a woman who doesn't give them much attention.
It's a game they have fun in Chasing a woman is a game that a lot of men like to play.
They play this game because they think it is fun and just as in extreme sports, gets their adrenalin pumping.
As the difficulty level increases with a woman ignoring them, the more interesting the game becomes.
The whole cycle is like an addictive game which they get hooked to.
He wants to bring you into his league Some women ignore their men to get chased and make it seem that they are way out of their league.
So, these men then begin chasing these women to prove to themselves and the women that they are indeed, in their league.
Some do it out of habit Some men are compelled to chase women who they feel are ignoring them.
This is more out of habit and gradually becomes ingrained in their nature.
The thrill and excitement of the chase becomes his driving force and he keeps on chasing the girl who ignores him for this.
It makes him feel like an alpha male An alpha male trait is that he chases the women who ignores him and wins her.
Chasing a woman and getting her is more like a prized trophy for this male.
It is all about the primal hunter tendency of enjoying the chase before the final kill which makes this man chase a woman who ignores him.
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