Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Personal Wish

I was taught by parents not to hate or make any mention
They were right in their thinking with full assertion
Since then it has remained as my personal wish
I wanted the life to pass on easily and finish

So many times I had a rough time with friends
There were altercation and scuffle at the end
It was making me bad as not good companion
Even though we advocated cause and were champion

We all decided to bury the differences
We had drawn lesson and inference
It was always good to think positive
Even though one can always remain subjective

When fire rages from within
It does not let any thing in
The anger and hatred can be visibly seen
No one would love to see your face or very keen

It is not going to serve any good
This fact must be clearly understood
Even your comments may worsen it further
It will add to tension and force you to bother

The stage is arrived with failure or frustration
It may always hunt you with big question
It may not only spoil the relation
But break the existing bond in excitation

You will lose the support from close relatives
Friends too may desert you in time of needs
You will left in isolation and avoided
They will boycott you in case decided

The relation will not be restored that easily
It may leave you in dejection and make wearily
No one has benefited from the continuous rage
It will be difficult to sustain and manage

Sometimes irrational statements make things worse
It can not improved upon even you express remorse
It will push you to the backward seat
There will not be cordial relation when you will greet

The river loses its reputation of being mother when in spate
Even though people pray her and consider as simple fate
Such is the case with anger and hate when take place
No good amount of efforts can remedy it or replace

What is good in keeping the temper cool?
It prevents you from acting as fool
Since it is performed in stage of not having brakes
It will vitiate the cordial relation and break

We must learn to live with balanced approach
Many a times we may have to pass through as such
It will be nice if we are able to stave off the situation
Rest all can be brought under control without further aggravation

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