- 1). Unplug the power cord, and turn off the water supply valves before you check the pressure switch on a Whirlpool Duet washer.
- 2). Remove the two Phillips-head screws from the front or back corners of the control panel. Remove the trim caps to access the screws, if necessary.
- 3). Slide the control panel forward, and then flip it over the back of the washer to expose the pressure switch. The pressure switch sits inside the control panel, behind the water-level knob. It has three wires and a long rubber tube connected to it.
- 4). Note which terminals on the pressure switch the violet, tan and pink wires connect to. After testing, you need to connect the three wires to the correct terminals. Unplug the three wires by pulling on the connectors until they slide off the switch terminals.
- 5). Set a digital multimeter to the continuity or ohms scale. The ohms scale is usually represented by a Greek “Omega” symbol, similar to an upside down horseshoe. The meter may say “continuity” or “cont” next to the scale. Touch the test leads together. The meter should show no resistance and beep if it has an audible alert function.
- 6). Touch one lead to the switch terminal that the violet wire was connected to, and touch the other lead to the pink terminal. There should be no resistance if the tub is empty. If the tub is empty and the meter shows resistance between the pink and violet terminals, the switch is faulty and you should replace it. If the tub is full, there should be infinite resistance, or no continuity, between the pink and violet terminals. Replace the switch if the tub is full and the pink and violet terminals have continuity.
- 7). Touch one lead to the tan terminal and the other to the violet terminal. If the washer is empty, the meter should show no continuity. With the washer full, the meter should show continuity. Replace the switch if it fails either of these tests.