Health & Medical Lose Weight

Don"t Expect Magic When Losing Weight

No Fail Weight Loss Suggestions Stop Being in Denial Stand in front of a full-length mirror and take a good look at yourself.
Is your body where you want it to be? If the answer is no and you believe you need to lose weight then make a DECISION to do so.
If you don't decide where you want to go in life, life will decide for you and it will not always be a good decision! make sure your decision to loose weight is for the right reasons.
Do not lose weight for anyone else; do it for yourself and for your own better health in the future.
Decide on the what and when Set clear goals for yourself.
Decide where you want to be, and how long you will need to get there.
Do not hesitate; hesitating will only waste your time, and every time you quit you will disappoint yourself further.
Goals need to be repeated and updated on a regular basis; making a one-off goal to lose weight (such as a new year's resolution) will not be effective and will soon be forgotten.
Choose a time to start implementing the plan.
The best time to start is NOW.
Not "after the next event" or "after tonight's dinner" or "tomorrow".
You've been waiting and procrastinating, so stop waiting and start living your life in the body that you're happy with.
There is no reason to wait.
Most people spend their whole lives trying to lose weight and then realise their life is almost over and they haven't 'lived' it.
Get a paper and pen and complete the following sentences: - My current weight is: - My ideal weight is: - I would like to reach my ideal weight by: - I believe this date is (realistic, absurd, achievable...
): - Four reasons behind my weight gain: - I want to lose weight because: - I have failed my weight loss attempts in the past because (4 reasons only): - This time around, I will change: Once you complete these sentences, you will find out things about yourself that may help you formulate your own new goals.
Stand back and look at your answers; try to offer solutions to yourself as if you were advising yourself on how to make it work this time.
Write out clear goals, attach realistic deadlines and achievable action plans.
Don't expect Magic You are probably tired of being overweight.
You want to get rid of the excess fat once and for all.
You want it to be over NOW.
But think of it this way: you're already putting so much energy and time dwelling on your weight; you're thinking about it all the time, it's eating you up.
Why not spend this time actually doing something that really works? Why not spend this time actually doing something about it instead? The journey to optimum weight is not easy.
It takes commitment, consistency, and perseverance.
In fact, it takes at least 21 - 30 days to form a habit and make effective change.
But in the end, the results are very rewarding.
People always want to know, "How long is it going to take? I don't have time! There must be a pill or something to lose weight?" The truth is: It took you months, or even years, to get where you are, and it might take you a few months to reach your goal.
There is no magic pill, no matter what others claim.
At the end of the day, it all boils down to good nutrition and exercise.
But if you get that combination right, you'll never look back!
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