Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Thoughts-Create Your Reality

Your thoughts are powerful forces in the creation of your experiences in life.
"Every choice we make, every thought and feeling we have, is an act of power that has biological, environmental, social, personal and global consequences.
" -Caroline Myss Feelings follow thoughts.
Thoughts precede feelings.
You may recall when frustration that was based on a misunderstanding completely dissipated when your understanding changed.
This is because your interpretation defines your experiences, and it can change in an instant.
Your only true reality is the present moment.
Instead of believing that life is happening to you, you can focus on the power of your thoughts to actively create a positive experience.
For example, you can choose to appreciate beauty around you rather than focusing on traffic or look for admirable qualities in the people you deal with rather than focusing on the negative.
By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts, you connect with the truth--you create your reality.
You can monitor your thoughts and hear yourself in the middle of investing your energy.
Are you investing energy on self-limiting thoughts? Or are you focusing your thoughts on the infinite possibilities of the present.
Taking a deep breath will help you center your thoughts on being in the moment right now.
Regular meditation allows you to gain mastery over your mind so that you can still your thoughts to focus on the richness of being.
If you dwell on the past or the future, you will miss the experience of living in the present moment.
Setting and visualizing goals is wonderful, but you can bring your thoughts into your current experience by taking steps to create them now.
Your mind is a powerful tool that you can harness to create your reality.
Through thoughts you move the unformed energy of the universe into form, which gives you direction for your words and actions.
Each thought is like a pebble dropped into water, sending ripples out into your world to affect all you touch.
You can choose your focus and how you invest your energy, which gives you the power to design your life to be whatever you choose in each and every moment.
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