Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

J.R. Maxon"s, ReBecoming: The Way of Opportunity

In his novel, ReBecoming, The Way of Opportunity, author J.R. Maxon delivers a spiritual and philosophical self-help guide in the form of a fictional story.

Diana Archer is a young woman living in Tampa, Florida who discovers that she is at a defining moment in life. She begins to question events in her life, both past and present, to understand why she is feeling a loss of identity. She attends a Gym and meets Fitness Instructor, Jon, who becomes not only a personal fitness instructor, but a spiritual and philosophical guide. For Diana, life becomes a series of difficult challenges as she faces a number of threats. Jon provides her with unique insight into analyzing and understanding her thought processes as it relates to her physical well being, how she perceives the world and her own circumstances, as well as understanding her own sense of self. Within the chapters that focus on the body, mind, and spirit, Diana learns what it means to achieve a sense of wholeness. Peppered throughout the book are many spiritual, philosophical, and inspirational quotes to help one grow spiritually and emotionally:

"The key to freedom is to shift your awareness away from the Mundane Mind and into the Open Sky Mind and to see your thoughts only as clouds passing through it."

With a goal of learning what it means to be happy, a number of themes are presented that include: an understanding of compassion, kindness, love, self-confidence, negative thoughts, physical appearance, relationships, finding courage, love, and self-love. One main theme throughout the story is the concept of physical fitness being tied to psychological and spiritual fitness.

For the most part, the author successfully creates a Protagonist that women can relate to. Because the novel is integrated with a self-help guide, readers may want to keep a pen and paper handy in order to note the many self-help techniques presented within the story. At the end of the book, the author provides a summary of self-help passages. It may have been helpful to deliver them in the form of a mini self-help program.

Diana's journey of breaking free of a cycle of negativity is one that readers will enjoy. ReBecoming: The Way of Opportunity is highly recommended to readers who enjoy books about overcoming one's internal demons to gain an understanding of what it really means to be happy.

Tracy Roberts, Write Field Services

Publisher: Dassana Press; First edition (January 24, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0981520154
ISBN-13: 978-0981520155

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