Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Free To Be Myself

Dear Loved Ones, Great day to you all beloved wonders of the world.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Please take a few moments today to send love and light to the planet earth.
Watch as your love and light reciprocates back to you.
Thank you.
Tools for life Free To Be Myself Free to be myself Right Here, Right Now.
Free to be myself in the midst of all of my challenges.
How to be myself in the midst of all adversity? Why to be myself for I am who I am, I am my True self.
The Power of my mind frees me to be myself.
With my will and my desire I can free myself therefore I can be myself.
With all that I have to offer, I can truly be myself.
I am good as myself.
I am exciting as myself.
I am nurturing as myself.
I live with myself as myself and I am free to be myself.
I release all expectations of myself to be myself.
I let go of all judgments to free myself and to simply be myself.
I am happy to be free to be myself.
How can I be myself? I ask? What will people say? How will people perceive me when I am free to be myself? Will they judge me more or will they accept me as I am free to be myself? How can I be myself? I ask? To be free to be myself I must let go of all the makeup that I wear.
To be free to be myself I must honestly stop making up.
Making up stories and gossiping in order to be liked.
To be free to be myself I must be my authentic true self.
How difficult is this, I ask? As difficult as you want it to be.
What is so hard about being natural anyways? It's like seeing a colorful flower and saying "No, I think that this flower needs to be painted with some lies, masks and a little of lack and then it will really bloom.
" Nope.
Let's come back to our real reality.
To be free to be ourselves is to be free to express our intentions and our will to be who it is we really want to be.
What is so hard about being natural anyways? It's like looking at an orange with it's very vibrant color of life and saying "No, I am in charge here and orange is not my favorite color.
I want this orange to be black.
Because the color black is in fashion this season.
Not!" Oh natural says "let it be.
Let yourself be who and what you want to be.
" What I am, is who I am, to be inspired by, who I am.
When we let go of the need to please people left and right then we can be free to be ourselves.
When we let go of our attachments to people, places and things then we can be free to be ourselves.
When we let go of our imaginary likes and dislikes then we can be free to be ourselves.
When we let go of our need for self-abuse then we can be free to be ourselves.
When we let go of the projection of rejection then we can be free to be ourselves.
Finally, we Can definitely be Free to be ourselves.
And it is cost Free to be ourselves.
For with our focus, desire, will and intention into Right Thought and Right Action we can be free to be ourselves.
And don't forget.
Don't ever forget that this Universe really and honestly loves us and is in total support of us.
To be free to be myself in all things is to be in unity with all that is.
Is to experience this life to the fullest in my heart and Soul.
Is to experience true Oneness inside and out.
For we are all one.
And so it is.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Please feel free to share these Insights with your friends, family, colleagues and enemies to create freedom to be Authentic therefore creating Oneness.
May the love, light and blessings of God and the whole Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
With Love, Gratitude and Respect, Michelle Morovaty Truly, With God All Things Are Possible © Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC
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