It's called Bbwshakin, Booty Shaking or the Full Body Shake. It's the hot new rage on Youtube - and with long distance online daters.
And the catch is that only full figured gals can do it.
As Heather O proudly told me, "I'm a plus size woman and, after a lifetime of shyness about it, I've learned to flaunt my big boobs and ass. I know it sounds cheap, but actually it's sweet and exciting when you find the right guy. I bbwshake my ass on my webcam at him - but just for him. And he loves it."
Canadian Julie S met Peter through an online dating site and they have been chatting via webcam for months. "We're not into cybersex," she wrote WUVING. "We're much too conservative for that. No nudity. But one night when we were saying our goodnights-I-love-you-too, I jokingly turned around and mooned him. I've got a big bum and I thought he'd laugh, which was okay. He didn't laugh. He said Oh-my-God-what-a gorgeous-ass and I shook it at him. We didn't know then that there was an actual term for what I was doing - bbwshaking - but it became my new Good Night Honey! We've travelled half way across the country to meet. We're deeply in love. We're getting married as soon as he can get transferred here. And until then - every night I say my webcam Good Night with a wild bbwshaking."
As a therapist, I've counselled many plus size women over the years with body image issues. After years of being on the receiving end of teasing, insults and abuse, the advent of BBW Dating sites has been a Godsend for them. Big women are actively seeking and meeting men online who love Full Figured Women. In some cases, it has quite literally saved their lives.
Janet R, like many women of size, found herself in an abusive marriage. After "finally divorcing the little weasel," Janet joined an online BBW dating service. "I was very cautious at first. I couln't believe that there were men out there who would find me attractive. When Wendel contacted me, I was over the moon. His photo showed a nice looking guy, but it was his emails that really attracted me. Such a loving, genuine man. With a lot of the same interests as me. When we first got our webcams, I was really hooked on him. And I guess I was afraid of losing him. I looked around the Web to see what plus size women were doing to please men. I came across BBWshakin on Youtube. Videos with titles like 'BBW Busty Cam Girl Shaking Hot Ass' and so on. It took a little time - in fact I was scared stiff - but one evening when we were both joking and laughing I just suddenly stood up, turned around and shook my big rump at him. I had a dress on that night. He loved it. After that it was panties. And then just my bare behind. It's sexy without showing everything. Soon, we'll be meeting in person. I think that bbwshakin will always be part of our life together."
Donald F admits that he was "floored when Erica first bbwshook me on her webcam. I was already in love with her. Couldn't wait to meet her. But when she began her bbwshakin, first with panties and then just her glorious huge naked ass, she sure took our relationship up a notch. It's not just the booty shakin - I can see hundreds of women on videos online doing that - it's the fact that it's my Erica shaking her big beautiful ass at me, just for me! Man, it's fantastic!"
Contact full figured women who want to meet and please men who love them just as they are - Bbwshakin: Big Beautiful Women Dating - Plus Size Women Bbwshakin Just for Their Men - CLICK HERE: Curvy Big Beautiful Women Online
As a therapist and relationship expert, I have seen a sea change in the way body image is perceived in modern society. Big Beautiful Women (BBW) and Big Handsome Men (BHM) are increasingly accepted. Big XL Size men have always attracted a certain percentage of adoring women and continue to do so today. And Curvaceous women are seeking loving men who will accept and cherish them as they are. As the folks at well know.
- Kate
And the catch is that only full figured gals can do it.
As Heather O proudly told me, "I'm a plus size woman and, after a lifetime of shyness about it, I've learned to flaunt my big boobs and ass. I know it sounds cheap, but actually it's sweet and exciting when you find the right guy. I bbwshake my ass on my webcam at him - but just for him. And he loves it."
Canadian Julie S met Peter through an online dating site and they have been chatting via webcam for months. "We're not into cybersex," she wrote WUVING. "We're much too conservative for that. No nudity. But one night when we were saying our goodnights-I-love-you-too, I jokingly turned around and mooned him. I've got a big bum and I thought he'd laugh, which was okay. He didn't laugh. He said Oh-my-God-what-a gorgeous-ass and I shook it at him. We didn't know then that there was an actual term for what I was doing - bbwshaking - but it became my new Good Night Honey! We've travelled half way across the country to meet. We're deeply in love. We're getting married as soon as he can get transferred here. And until then - every night I say my webcam Good Night with a wild bbwshaking."
As a therapist, I've counselled many plus size women over the years with body image issues. After years of being on the receiving end of teasing, insults and abuse, the advent of BBW Dating sites has been a Godsend for them. Big women are actively seeking and meeting men online who love Full Figured Women. In some cases, it has quite literally saved their lives.
Janet R, like many women of size, found herself in an abusive marriage. After "finally divorcing the little weasel," Janet joined an online BBW dating service. "I was very cautious at first. I couln't believe that there were men out there who would find me attractive. When Wendel contacted me, I was over the moon. His photo showed a nice looking guy, but it was his emails that really attracted me. Such a loving, genuine man. With a lot of the same interests as me. When we first got our webcams, I was really hooked on him. And I guess I was afraid of losing him. I looked around the Web to see what plus size women were doing to please men. I came across BBWshakin on Youtube. Videos with titles like 'BBW Busty Cam Girl Shaking Hot Ass' and so on. It took a little time - in fact I was scared stiff - but one evening when we were both joking and laughing I just suddenly stood up, turned around and shook my big rump at him. I had a dress on that night. He loved it. After that it was panties. And then just my bare behind. It's sexy without showing everything. Soon, we'll be meeting in person. I think that bbwshakin will always be part of our life together."
Donald F admits that he was "floored when Erica first bbwshook me on her webcam. I was already in love with her. Couldn't wait to meet her. But when she began her bbwshakin, first with panties and then just her glorious huge naked ass, she sure took our relationship up a notch. It's not just the booty shakin - I can see hundreds of women on videos online doing that - it's the fact that it's my Erica shaking her big beautiful ass at me, just for me! Man, it's fantastic!"
Contact full figured women who want to meet and please men who love them just as they are - Bbwshakin: Big Beautiful Women Dating - Plus Size Women Bbwshakin Just for Their Men - CLICK HERE: Curvy Big Beautiful Women Online
As a therapist and relationship expert, I have seen a sea change in the way body image is perceived in modern society. Big Beautiful Women (BBW) and Big Handsome Men (BHM) are increasingly accepted. Big XL Size men have always attracted a certain percentage of adoring women and continue to do so today. And Curvaceous women are seeking loving men who will accept and cherish them as they are. As the folks at well know.
- Kate