Just the other night, in a committee meeting, a member asked the committee chair to please stop using the words dire and dismal in relation to the committee's financial challenges.
Her point was that the use of those words, especially with the frequency they were being used, gave power to the problem rather than the solution.
When we focus on problems, they persist, but when we focus on solutions we overcome.
No matter what kind of challenges we face in our lives overcoming them has everything to do with the manner in which we approach them.
Our point of view and attitude are closely related, and are keys to our success.
If we have a positive attitude and expect success, then we will approach obstacles from the point of view that there are opportunities to be discovered.
Without a clear expectation of success, we are just stuck with the way things are, or worse.
What we dwell upon, and especially what we speak, becomes our reality, so if we talk about being broke, we will be broke, and if we talk about being sick, we will be sick.
That is why all of the success gurus tell us to make that vision board and speak those affirmations.
When we train our minds into the habit of believing, then our hearts will believe as well.
Faith is that believing attitude that makes all things possible.
This is nothing new.
In Matthew 17:20 Jesus teaches this very principal, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.
" Notice that two things are required to move the mountain, faith and words.
Through faith and expectancy we literally speak things into being, both good things and bad things.
So how does this positive attitude and overcoming point of view differ from daydreaming and foolish expectancy? Action is the defining difference.
Only a fool believes that just imagining themselves sinfully rich will cause the wealth to rain down.
A creative mind focused on growth into a state of abundance begins to think and act in a manner that attracts abundance.
The value of that focus is that thoughts of faithful expectancy will attract opportunity, but it is our actions taken that leverage the opportunity into manifested abundance.
A body in motion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest will stay at rest until some other force acts upon it.
Through the motion of your actions you will gather the momentum that will keep you moving in a positive forward direction.
There is one additional dynamic at work in this equation that cannot be overlooked, and that is one of giving and receiving.
We can not hold on too tightly to what we have.
Holding too tightly is a demonstration to God and the universe that we fear lack and loss.
If our point of view is one of abundance, we will readily let go of what we have and be willing to take the necessary risks to achieve our dreams.
It is not until we let go of what is, that we make room in our lives for all that could be.
Her point was that the use of those words, especially with the frequency they were being used, gave power to the problem rather than the solution.
When we focus on problems, they persist, but when we focus on solutions we overcome.
No matter what kind of challenges we face in our lives overcoming them has everything to do with the manner in which we approach them.
Our point of view and attitude are closely related, and are keys to our success.
If we have a positive attitude and expect success, then we will approach obstacles from the point of view that there are opportunities to be discovered.
Without a clear expectation of success, we are just stuck with the way things are, or worse.
What we dwell upon, and especially what we speak, becomes our reality, so if we talk about being broke, we will be broke, and if we talk about being sick, we will be sick.
That is why all of the success gurus tell us to make that vision board and speak those affirmations.
When we train our minds into the habit of believing, then our hearts will believe as well.
Faith is that believing attitude that makes all things possible.
This is nothing new.
In Matthew 17:20 Jesus teaches this very principal, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.
" Notice that two things are required to move the mountain, faith and words.
Through faith and expectancy we literally speak things into being, both good things and bad things.
So how does this positive attitude and overcoming point of view differ from daydreaming and foolish expectancy? Action is the defining difference.
Only a fool believes that just imagining themselves sinfully rich will cause the wealth to rain down.
A creative mind focused on growth into a state of abundance begins to think and act in a manner that attracts abundance.
The value of that focus is that thoughts of faithful expectancy will attract opportunity, but it is our actions taken that leverage the opportunity into manifested abundance.
A body in motion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest will stay at rest until some other force acts upon it.
Through the motion of your actions you will gather the momentum that will keep you moving in a positive forward direction.
There is one additional dynamic at work in this equation that cannot be overlooked, and that is one of giving and receiving.
We can not hold on too tightly to what we have.
Holding too tightly is a demonstration to God and the universe that we fear lack and loss.
If our point of view is one of abundance, we will readily let go of what we have and be willing to take the necessary risks to achieve our dreams.
It is not until we let go of what is, that we make room in our lives for all that could be.