Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Fish Oil and Pregnancy: What to Expect When You"re Expecting

Pregnant women are naturally much more interested in what they are taking into their bodies: they are the sole source of nourishment for a new life.
Getting it right can seem like a minefield: blue cheese or no blue cheese? Fish or no fish? Apple cider or no apple cider? Luckily, science is very clear on one point: fish oil and pregnancy are a definite "yes".
Development of Baby's Brain The controversy around eating fish during pregnancy has to do with mercury content in fish - shark, swordfish and king mackerel, for example, tend to store a lot of toxins in their fat.
The toxins are easily passed onto the unborn baby through the mother.
This has led a lot of women to avoid fish altogether during pregnancy, but that actually creates a much worse problem for many babies.
You see, our brains are made up of around 60% omega fatty acids.
In order for baby's brain to develop properly, these omegas must be ingested by the mother.
Essential fatty acids cannot be produced in the body - they are taken from what we eat.
By reducing fish intake, baby's brain development, including socialization, neurological development - even the formation of the retinas - is at risk.
Preventing Mommy Brain Nature nurtures the fetus first, so when there isn't enough omega 3 present for both mother and baby, mother's body sends the fatty acids to the baby.
As a result, it is possible for the mother to become significantly depleted in omega 3.
This depletion is thought to cause a syndrome commonly referred to as 'mommy brain', a condition where mothers become very forgetful.
Turns out it isn't just the change of routine - it is actually a chemical reaction in the brain.
This is one place where fish oil and pregnancy clearly meet: by getting enough omega 3 during pregnancy, mothers can reduce the likelihood of this happening or prevent it entirely.
Reducing Your Risk of Post Partum Depression The same chemical reaction is thought to be at the root of post partum depression.
New mothers continue to pass along omega 3 to their babies through breastmilk, in addition to having lost critical amounts of the fatty acids through the last trimester of pregnancy.
Women who continue to eat fish throughout pregnancy, or who supplement with fish oil, have significantly fewer incidences of post partum depression.
Fish Oil And Pregnancy: The Cure By taking a high-quality fish oil, the risk of mercury poisoning is non-existent, and these outcomes are avoided.
It's important to ensure that the source of the oil isn't any of the fish mentioned above, and that molecular distillation is used to purify the oil during the concentration process.
When you're expecting, you're hoping for the healthiest child you can have.
Fish oil and pregnancy go together to work toward that goal and help you and your baby have the best chance you can for both your sakes.
To find out more about the recommended does for expectant mothers, discover the ways to ensure you are getting a safe omega 3 supplement, and to learn about the benefits of fish oil during pregnancy, visit my website.
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