Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Best Advice for a Broken Hearted Friend

As a friend, it is your responsibility to be there through thick and thin. Happy moments are constant but when your friend falls over and gets her heart broken, you should also be there to help. Especially if your friend has been really affected by the breakup, you should be proactive in offering support. But with your friend crying her out, you probably be confused as to what to do. So to help you, here's the best advice for a broken heart.

The best advice for a broken heart, in a nutshell, is to get over it. It is over and if your friend's boyfriend doesn't want the relationship anymore then you have to help her move on. Sounds easy, huh? But you know it's not. So much so that you would likely have a difficult time trying to convince her to believe you. You see, moving on is a process and it is something that your friend should go through with you.

1. Encourage her to go out and live her life.

As her best friend, you know everything that she likes. At times, you may even be completing her sentences. So you are the best person to know of what would get her to leave her room and go out. Maybe she's into parties then take her to as many as possible. But watch over her because during these times, she will be very easy to mistake crushes to love.

But before you can get her to go out, she might throw all sorts of excuses at you. So be ready with some reasonable answers. If she says, she doesn't have money then tell her it's on you or that you will be doing something fun that won't cost much. To give the best advice for a broken heart, you must be able to maneuver her answers and turn them around for her benefit.

2. Sleep over.

For the first two nights following the breakup, volunteer for a sleepover. This is because mornings would be the worst times for her because those will be the times when the realization of a failed relationship begins. The best advice for a broken heart may not be heard through words yet but you can show it through your actions. By being there and providing your full support, you are helping her get over him and more importantly, you are preventing any serious harm that might happen to her if ever she was left alone.

3. Don't talk about him. Period.

The urge to bad mouth the ex would be very intense, seeing that your best friend is crying her heart out. But try your best to resist that because talking about him, even in bad light, will only make her miss him even more. So, don't mention him.

Basically, the best advice for a broken heart is to move on. Follow these three steps outlined above and you'll be able to pull your best friend through the hardest times in her life.
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