Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Function 101: Moving the Iron

Achieving the best bodybuilding shape isn't one of your options - it is your ONLY option.
It's time to get your muscles swollen, your body fat burned, and your strength levels through the roof.
Let's nail down muscle function once and for all - and add some muscle! The first thing you need to do is free up enough time in your schedule to hit the gym regularly.
You can't just plan on hitting the gym whenever time allows, and expect on seeing anything decent in terms of results.
No, you need to move bodybuilding training up to the forefront of your life's goals and aims, right up there with family, work, school and relationships.
It can't be down there with surfing the web and watching your favorite television shows.
Any week you miss the gym but watch your favorite TV shows, it's time to unplug the television and leave it unplugged until you have re-evaluated your priorities! Until you are one of those people who lives and breathes to train, then you will never look like one of those people that lives and breathes to train.
In bodybuilding, you wear your hard work on your sleeve.
If you spend a lot of time watching TV and not training - you're going to look like it! The next thing you need to do in order to optimize your muscle function is to empty out your refrigerator and start fresh.
Call over a needy friend, hand them a trash bag or two, and tell them you're going shopping, and when you return, you expect to see that refrigerator completely empty.
It may not be easy finding the money to re-buy all that food, but this time you won't be populating that fridge with junk.
Rather, you'll be selecting only approved foods to add to its contents.
You know, foods such as steak, beans, rice and chicken.
Those meals that include eggs, roast beef, vegetables and skim milks should be available, but those things like cookies and cupcakes and soda should simply disappear from that fridge forever.
Junk food is not an option when it's actually and physically not an option, right? Finally, you have to convert your mindset from that of a regular guy, to that of a champion bodybuilder.
You have to walk, talk, sleep, train and eat like you are already 220 pounds of lean and ripped muscle.
No more dancing at the club until 2 am then walking the beach drinking wine and eating Cheetos until the sun rises.
Instead, you need to just see yourself in the mirror as that absolute beast.
You have to be able to see everything that a larger man would do - and do it yourself.
You have to train heavy and slow.
You have to eat giant meals and come back for another every 3 hours.
You have to restrict your physical activity so as to limit the calories you burn.
You have to sleep more so you can grow more.
Act like you already possess the muscle function of a top bodybuilder and it won't be long until your physique responds and you begin to look like one!
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