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Psychiatric Drugging of Children

Due to heavy advertising by the psychiatric industry and heavy funding from the federal government, there is a false impression in the media that psychiatrists actually produce something useful in society.
I wish to correct that impression, so that people can beware of psychiatric mis-diagnosis and the resultant disastrous consequences of psychiatric "treatment.
" The public in general are unwilling to pay for psychiatric programs because they know such programs are not effective, and more often damaging than helpful.
Psychiatric programs only stay in business because of government subsidies.
As an example, I will focus particular attention on one of psychiatry's main programs - the drugging of children.
The "treatment" of children "diagnosed" with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mainstay of many behavioral health programs.
A public relations campaign by the psychiatric industry claims that a brain scan will show the presence of ADHD.
However, the brain scan hypothesis is in reality a brain scam.
There is no such thing as ADHD.
It was made up by the psychiatric industry as another way to milk individuals and insurance companies of health care benefits.
There is no known scientific evidence supporting any such disease or illness.
Yes, people do have physical, mental, spiritual or emotional problems for which they may need help.
Unfortunately, psychiatric diagnosis and treatment as currently practiced does not, never has, and never will be a solution.
Fred Baughman, M.
, a child neurologist of 25 years, found after extensive investigation that there are no scientific studies or reports validating ADHD as a genuine illness.
Gene R.
Haislip of the U.
Drug Enforcement Agency stated that, "We are also unaware that ADHD has been validated as a biological/organic syndrome or disease.
" Paul Lever, M.
, with the U.
Food and Drug Administration said, "As yet no pathophysiology for the disorder has been delineated.
" The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) admits that there are "no laboratory tests that have been established as diagnostic" for ADHD.
It is a deception of magnitude to promote ADHD as an illness; and it is fraud to charge for its treatment.
Examine the history of the DSM, the book used by the psychiatric profession and the insurance companies to justify charging for treatments.
In 1840, the first year anyone started categorizing human behavior in this manner, there was one mental illness, "insanity".
In 1880 there were 7 "mental illnesses".
The first DSM listed 112 in 1952, then DSM-II listed 163 in 1968, DSM-III listed 224 in 1980, and currently DSM-IV (1994) lists 374.
The new ailments in DSM-II included a category of "Behavioral Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence", and appeared shortly after psychiatry procured federal funding for treating handicapped children.
Commentary in DSM-II revealed that the listed "disorders" had not been established by scientific evidence but by a committee that voted on whether they existed.
DSM-II, in discussing another mental disorder (schizophrenia) said, "Even if it had tried, the committee could not establish agreement about what this disorder is; it could only agree on what to call it.
" The former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Rex Cowdry, said, "We don't know the causes [of mental illness].
We don't have the methods of 'curing' these illnesses.
" When DMS-IV was published in 1994, the number of mental disorders had jumped to 374.
While this manual provides an extensive list of mental disorders, it also admits that no definition specifies precise boundaries for the concept of a "mental disorder.
" Psychiatrist Al Parides called the DSM a "masterpiece of political maneuvering" and not a scientific manual at all.
The DSM is also a masterpiece of deception, listing every human emotion, experience, habit and activity as a symptom of a mental "disorder.
" For example, trouble learning math, code 315.
1, is "mathematics disorder".
Refusing to take out the trash is number 313.
81, "oppositional defiant disorder".
Difficulty writing an English essay is number 315.
2, "disorder of written expression".
People with migraines are diagnosed by psychiatrists with a "pain disorder" (307.
The person who has withdrawal symptoms from giving up smoking has a "nicotine disorder" (292.
Someone who suffers "caffeine intoxication" from drinking too much coffee has mental disorder number 292.
If you stutter, it's a "mental illness" (307.
If a child does not eat nutritious food, it's a "feeding disorder" (307.
And of course we have ADHD as code numbers 314.
00, 314.
01, 314.
9; they couldn't decide what ADHD really is, so they had to give it multiple entries.
Jack Stapleton, the editor of Missouri News and Editorial Service, once stated, "Do you want some doctor who charges you more for 50 minutes of small talk than you make in a month to be turned loose with a book that lists poor penmanship as a mental disorder?" Let's get real, there is something wrong with this picture.
Adding insult to injury, if one should then disagree with the diagnosis provided by one's psychiatrist and try to refuse treatment, this could be construed as evidence of an inability to care for one's own mental health.
This is called "noncompliance with treatment" (V15.
81) and is a favorite diagnosis that psychiatrists use for involuntary commitment to a mental institution, keeping a person hospitalized until their insurance runs out.
One treatment of choice for ADHD is methylphenidate, a drug commonly known as Ritalin.
Methylphenidate is classified as an amphetamine-like drug because it is structurally similar to amphetamine (a stimulant.
) Originally used to reverse a barbiturate-induced coma, this cocaine-like stimulant was promoted for childhood behavioral problems and "hyperactivity.
" By 1971, Ritalin and other stimulants were scheduled in the same abuse category as morphine, cocaine and opium.
Ritalin is popular among psychiatrists because it turns the child into a long-term mental patient who will bring in thousands of dollars in income - starting with the original problem and then continuing on for coping with all the side-effects.
Once so labeled, the child is a "mental patient" for life.
Ritalin is currently used by as many as one million U.
Ritalin is addictive and its withdrawal symptoms include suicide.
The International Journal of the Addictions (1968) listed 105 different adverse reactions from this drug.
The manufacturer of Ritalin, CIBA Pharmaceutical Company published the following warning in 1985: "Chronically abusive use can lead to marked tolerance and physic dependence with varying degrees of abnormal behavior.
Frank psychotic episodes can occur, especially with parental abuse.
Careful supervision is required during drug withdrawal, since severe depression as well as the effects of chronic overactivity can be unmasked.
" Even the side effects from the psychiatric drugs themselves are tagged as mental disorders and then treated with yet more medication.
"Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia" (DSM code 339.
99) or "Medication-Induced Movement Disorder" (333.
90) are examples of common side effects that psychiatrists have labeled as mental disorders.
There is even an "Adverse Effects of Medication" disorder (995.
There is mounting evidence that long periods of Ritalin use cause irreversible brain damage.
The scientific literature is extensive with the outright ineffectiveness and disastrous side effects of Ritalin use.
Even the DSM confirms the danger.
DSM-III-R states that, "suicide is the major complication" of withdrawal from Ritalin.
As an aside, 90 percent of children referred to "community mental health" programs from "special education" programs are African-American.
Ponder this in the context of continuing arguments of racial oppression occurring in most major American cities.
Ritalin is now a serious street drug problem in the U.
as well.
In 1988, USA Today confirmed that abuse of Ritalin in American cities was increasing.
In early 1989, the American Medical Association issued an alert that drug dealers were illegally selling Ritalin and Talwin tablets for as much as $50 per set.
This is not limited to the U.
- a sergeant of the Vancouver Police Department said that from 60 percent to 70 percent of the crime in one downtown district could be directly traced to this drug that is so aggressively pushed by psychiatry.
Recognize that the real problem is that psychiatrists fraudulently diagnose life's problems as an "illness", and stigmatize unwanted behavior or study problems as "diseases.
" Psychiatry's stigmatizing labels, programs and treatments are harmful junk science; their diagnoses of "mental disorders" are a hoax - unscientific, fraudulent and harmful.
All psychiatric treatments, not just psychiatric drugs, are dangerous, and can cause crime.
There are real, effective solutions to the genuinely perceived problems of children trying to get along in the world, but these solutions do not include indiscriminately labeling them "mentally ill" or drugging them.
See the link below for alternatives to psychiatric drugging.
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