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Benefits Can Be Accrued From E-Recruitment

E-recruitment refers to the process of recruiting people to fill or to be placed in vacant job positions, using online resources.
Almost any process that does not include a transfer of physical material can be done on the Internet, and since the process of recruiting involves largely, a transfer of information, the process can be facilitated on line.
E-recruitment often results in a much rate at which vacancies are filled, and managers who may be responsible for hiring are always looking for new and different ways to recruit online.
Hiring and job searching have become a lot more complex.
For the job seeker, the days of sending out resumes and waiting for phone calls to set up interviews is almost outdated.
The hiring managers are usually overwhelmed with applications, especially during tougher job markets, and both can take advantage of the e-Recruitment process.
Both managers and job seekers must be prepared to use online tools available for help with job searches.
E-recruitment will be driven by the process of retrieving and posting information to online databases, that can be powered with search engines.
Online job advertising sites are also a very fertile area where employers can find suitable candidates to fill vacancies.
An online system makes the process much more efficient as time is saved, and costs reduced as information flows more freely.
There may be some disadvantages associated with the increased rate of information flow.
To the employers, it could mean a larger amount of responses from candidates, who may be unqualified, or not suitable for the vacant position.
The Conventional methods involved in recruitment, have been recognized as being constrictive, and ineffective, because too much time and resources are consumed.
When compared with online methods, they are also not very cost-effective, because the number of people that they can reach a limited number of people.
However, recruitment, when handled online, enables a much wider reach, in a much more efficient manner.
Employers can use communicate with prospective candidates through job portals, chat rooms or forums, emails and blogs.
Even interviews can even be handled on line.
According to the Forrester Research Institute, almost every company is now using the Internet in some form, for their recruitment.
It is estimated that at least 30% of all jobs are filled from information gained on the web, and almost all job seekers use the internet during their job search.
One of the biggest advantages is from the reduced advertising and consequent employee acquisition costs.
A recent survey conducted in the U.
By the Employment Management Association, indicated that the cost of hiring a new employee, using print advertising was estimated at almost $4000, while with the use of online resources, the cost too was reduced to less than $ 400.
The free flow of information also means additional resources may be needed to handle the larger amounts of data.
However, resources such as data storage and processing capability remain relatively inexpensive, and are in fact getting cheaper as new advances and applications are continually introduced as technology advances.
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