Society & Culture & Entertainment Society & Culture Misc

Between the Sheets, What One Should Not Say to the Store Clerk!

Have you ever thought about just spewing your entire life on stage, with no regrets and no concern for the reactions you may encounter? Have you ever though to yourself, upon over hearing a conversation "Why are they talking about that here"? Did you ever forget you were in public and decided to air out your dirty laundry? Well imagine being a store owner, with a captured audience, and the customer decided to talk freely and openly about the many "issues" they are having.
I'm not speaking of normal everyday run of the mill back pain and arthritis, but a more in depth acknowledgement of their lives.
Personally I am a very open person, I pretty much talk about anything, but it's always in an environment that is suitable for the topic.
So can you imagine having your customer talk to you about the last person they slept with and how he or she was just out of control? Perhaps I was born in the wrong era, but what ever happened to not discussing in public our most intimate of experiences with strangers? Where are the good old days when you don't walk down the street and encounter the outraged "father with his pants around the ankles" screaming into a cell phone about his limited responsibility to a unexpected child? How is it when I open my door to the public, that the public believes I'm interested in their menstrual cycles, the stranger they went home with or the husband that cheated on them? Trust me! No clerk, store associate or store owner wants to hear these things, please do us all a favor, and keep your intimate personal experiences to your family and best friend.
Now, it's true that we as store representatives want to get to know you, we want to hold conversations with you and we even will go so far as to allow you to contact us at home, but please understand we are not your counselors, your probation officer or your lawyers.
We are just simple merchants trying to make a life for ourselves like you are.
We don't know the answers to all your health question (unless they're a doctor), and we can't give you advise on how to best control your spouse's home habits with strangers on the internet.
You might think I'm joking, but I assure you I am not! In a given period of time I have heard these things and worse from customers, for each I had to stop and redirect the conversation.
I have not come up with an answer as to why some people have verbal diarrhea, but thankfully the vast majority of customers I encounter don't exhibit this phenomena.
Since I am sure that I am not the only person to have this occurred, this would be a great and absolutely funny moment to share what you have heard or experienced.
Thankfully, over the last few months these occasions have generally decreased with the oppressive heat wave.
But on occasion, because I work in a customer related field I am gently reminded of their existence.
So while there will always be a colorful person in my life, I hope that some decency will come back along with a common sense approach to how we all conduct ourselves.
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