This is a horrible, but true scenario.
There are guys all around that are looking for vulnerable women and know exactly what to say and exactly what to do to make them melt and go to bed with them.
I know for a fact that this is not a scene that you want playing in your head over and over and over again, but it can very much be a reality if you don't do something about it today.
What you can do to stop this from happening is to kindly let your ex know that although you are broken up and not together that you will always care for her and are there for her if she wants to talk about anything at all.
This leaves the door open for not only the two of you to get back together, but it also leaves it open for her to talk to you and not some other guy.
Taking care of this before she is put in that type of situation will help keep your mind free and clear of anything bad happening, because believe me, if you don't it will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to deal with.
Letting her know that she should be crying on your shoulder ensures that she will not fall victim to another man sweet talking her into bed.
When the time comes and she is calling you to pour her heart out , just be sure that you listen and try to help her process her feelings, otherwise she will know that all you said before was just a lie.
There are guys all around that are looking for vulnerable women and know exactly what to say and exactly what to do to make them melt and go to bed with them.
I know for a fact that this is not a scene that you want playing in your head over and over and over again, but it can very much be a reality if you don't do something about it today.
What you can do to stop this from happening is to kindly let your ex know that although you are broken up and not together that you will always care for her and are there for her if she wants to talk about anything at all.
This leaves the door open for not only the two of you to get back together, but it also leaves it open for her to talk to you and not some other guy.
Taking care of this before she is put in that type of situation will help keep your mind free and clear of anything bad happening, because believe me, if you don't it will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to deal with.
Letting her know that she should be crying on your shoulder ensures that she will not fall victim to another man sweet talking her into bed.
When the time comes and she is calling you to pour her heart out , just be sure that you listen and try to help her process her feelings, otherwise she will know that all you said before was just a lie.