Health & Medical Body building

How to Achieve Great Abs With Minimal Effort

Are you looking for a fast and effective way to strengthen and define your abdominal muscles? There are so many different ways to get that 6-pack stomach; it might be difficult to find the exercises that will work for you.
Whether you're looking for easy basic ab exercises that you can do at home or for a machine that will do all the work, the following information will be beneficial to you.
Abdominal exercises are a great way to improve the look of your body, giving you a flat, defined stomach.
There are many easy, healthy exercises that can tone the muscles around the middle.
The most popular exercise is the Sit Up.
To perform an easy sit up, simply lie down flat on a firm surface.
Secure your feet so that they don't move during the exercise (a person or a couch will do the trick).
Bend your knees and then have someone (or something) hold your feet down.
Place your hands behind your head, interlocking your fingers for support.
Now, raise your upper body up and pull it towards your knees as far as you can.
Be sure to keep your neck and head straight.
Hold this position for the count of five, and then lower your body back down to the floor.
Another effective abdominal exercise is Leg Lifts.
To perform a leg lift, simply lie down flat on your back on a firm surface.
Lift your left leg up and as high into the air as you can.
Hold this position for the count of three, then, lower your leg.
Raise your right leg up and hold it to a three count as high as you can.
Then, lower your right leg.
You can also make this exercise more difficult by raising both legs up at the same time.
Or, when lowering your legs, keep them at least 3 inches off the ground and hold that position for 3 seconds.
Now, you may not be able to perform these exercises.
You may have a bad back, bad knees or simply lack the strength to complete them.
In this situation, you would be better off using a machine that can aide you in your ab exercises.
There are many ab machines available that make it simple for anyone - home exercisers, health club members, pro athletes, body builders - to achieve stronger, harder abs regardless of their fitness level.
Unlike traditional abdominal crunches that work your abdominal muscles from the top down, ab machines work your abs from the bottom up, limiting strain on your neck, back and shoulders.
The most advanced models feature an ergonomic carriage that places you in a comfortable kneeling position, isolating the abdominal region and virtually eliminating any hip flexor involvement.
This motion contracts your abdominal muscles as you pull up your hips and knees while eliminating strain to your neck, back and shoulders.
Your abdominal muscles are engaged from start-to-finish, giving you a constant core contraction with every repetition.
The multi-angle seat also adjusts to target your oblique muscles at every angle for a complete abdominal workout.
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