As someone who struggled to lose weight I tried all sorts of diets.
Some of them made me feel horrible; some of them messed up my digestion system, so losing the battle I decided that these quick fix weight loss programs weren't cutting it.
So I went for the route I should have went for in the first place - the one that we seem to try to avoid at all costs but really is the path of least resistance.
I went back to good old healthy food and exercise program.
Specifically though I had heard good things about a raw food diet and wanted to delve right in.
Unfortunately giving up my cooked foods made me go into panic mode and I binged regularly which made me fatter and made me feel very bad about myself.
So instead I made a slow transition to high raw living.
I did this by first eating as much fruit as I wanted before each meal.
I found this quite easy.
I then chose to make my breakfast fruit only specifically having a large banana smoothie most mornings (this consisted of 5-10 bananas blended with some water).
Doing just these 2 changes seemed to work wonders.
I found myself bingeing less and only bingeing when I didn't eat breakfast or I just to opt out of fruit before a meal.
Fruit left me feeling more satisfied after meals.
I also found that as I added more raw foods in and my diet became predominantly raw that my asthma and allergies started clearing up.
I no longer was taking my inhalers regularly and I no longer suffered from a constant cold (i.
runny nose).
I couldn't believe it.
My nose had been runny all year around for years and now it had finally cleared up.
I attribute this mainly to seriously cutting out dairy.
Dairy is mucous-producing (something I later discovered after starting this lifestyle).
I also found that my digestion felt better.
I had always been a sufferer of stomach issues if I combined foods or emotions got involved.
Lastly I started exercising.
This for me was running.
It is a big passion of mine.
I think key to exercise is if you don't enjoy it then don't do it.
Find something you enjoy and stick to that or if you like spicing things up try a different activity every week.
Some of them made me feel horrible; some of them messed up my digestion system, so losing the battle I decided that these quick fix weight loss programs weren't cutting it.
So I went for the route I should have went for in the first place - the one that we seem to try to avoid at all costs but really is the path of least resistance.
I went back to good old healthy food and exercise program.
Specifically though I had heard good things about a raw food diet and wanted to delve right in.
Unfortunately giving up my cooked foods made me go into panic mode and I binged regularly which made me fatter and made me feel very bad about myself.
So instead I made a slow transition to high raw living.
I did this by first eating as much fruit as I wanted before each meal.
I found this quite easy.
I then chose to make my breakfast fruit only specifically having a large banana smoothie most mornings (this consisted of 5-10 bananas blended with some water).
Doing just these 2 changes seemed to work wonders.
I found myself bingeing less and only bingeing when I didn't eat breakfast or I just to opt out of fruit before a meal.
Fruit left me feeling more satisfied after meals.
I also found that as I added more raw foods in and my diet became predominantly raw that my asthma and allergies started clearing up.
I no longer was taking my inhalers regularly and I no longer suffered from a constant cold (i.
runny nose).
I couldn't believe it.
My nose had been runny all year around for years and now it had finally cleared up.
I attribute this mainly to seriously cutting out dairy.
Dairy is mucous-producing (something I later discovered after starting this lifestyle).
I also found that my digestion felt better.
I had always been a sufferer of stomach issues if I combined foods or emotions got involved.
Lastly I started exercising.
This for me was running.
It is a big passion of mine.
I think key to exercise is if you don't enjoy it then don't do it.
Find something you enjoy and stick to that or if you like spicing things up try a different activity every week.