How many so-called healthy diet plans have you tried? What about workout routines that promise a flat stomach in 30 days? Have these plans worked for you? Were you able to lose weight and keep it off? I suspect that the answer is no as many diets do not have a high success rate.
There are many reasons why these diets do not work. One main reason is that the diets only focus on the physical aspect of dieting. They focus on reducing calories and exercising. They forget about how your mind and thoughts can hinder your ability to lose weight.
One thing to consider when you are starting a weight loss journey is your thoughts. It is important to understand what types of conversations (or self-talk) you have with yourself. Throughout the week, write in a journal about various self-talk conversations that you had. Ask yourself if your thoughts were positive. Was there a common theme? Were you being hard on yourself or others? Reflect on your conversations and determine how they either promoted or hindered your ability to lose weight.
You may be wondering how negative self talk can keep you from achieving successful weight loss. The negative self-talk statements that you have developed come from years of unsuccessfully attempting to lose weight and the feelings and thoughts that arise from not meeting your goals. These thoughts lead you to believe that you are not able to lose weight. When you begin another diet, those thoughts do not allow you to achieve success as you believe that you will fail before you even get started.
To begin changing our thinking, we can start with positive affirmations. These are statements that are positive about yourself and your abilities relating to the goal at hand. It is true that you may not believe them at first, but after some time they will become a part of you, just as the negative thoughts did. I had a very tough time adjusting to a new way of thinking when I first started. I felt a bit silly standing there saying statements that I did not believe. Today, these statements are so true and help me continue my healthy relationship with food.
When you think about designing new thoughts and affirmations you may be a bit timid and say things such as €I would like to be healthy. This is a great start to forming new affirmations. Let's think of it a different way. Try saying something like, €I weigh my natural body weight.€ This is very clear. It tells your unconscious exactly what to do - to get your body to your natural body weight. Instead of question yourself with the €I would€ you are clear in saying that €you do€. This allows your unconscious to work to achieve your goal.
Be clear in what your true desire is. This way you can achieve your weight loss goals. This part is very hard for many people as they have been rooted in their negative self-thoughts for so long. I promise that you can come out of this a stronger, healthier you. You can have a healthy relationship with food.
There are many reasons why these diets do not work. One main reason is that the diets only focus on the physical aspect of dieting. They focus on reducing calories and exercising. They forget about how your mind and thoughts can hinder your ability to lose weight.
One thing to consider when you are starting a weight loss journey is your thoughts. It is important to understand what types of conversations (or self-talk) you have with yourself. Throughout the week, write in a journal about various self-talk conversations that you had. Ask yourself if your thoughts were positive. Was there a common theme? Were you being hard on yourself or others? Reflect on your conversations and determine how they either promoted or hindered your ability to lose weight.
You may be wondering how negative self talk can keep you from achieving successful weight loss. The negative self-talk statements that you have developed come from years of unsuccessfully attempting to lose weight and the feelings and thoughts that arise from not meeting your goals. These thoughts lead you to believe that you are not able to lose weight. When you begin another diet, those thoughts do not allow you to achieve success as you believe that you will fail before you even get started.
To begin changing our thinking, we can start with positive affirmations. These are statements that are positive about yourself and your abilities relating to the goal at hand. It is true that you may not believe them at first, but after some time they will become a part of you, just as the negative thoughts did. I had a very tough time adjusting to a new way of thinking when I first started. I felt a bit silly standing there saying statements that I did not believe. Today, these statements are so true and help me continue my healthy relationship with food.
When you think about designing new thoughts and affirmations you may be a bit timid and say things such as €I would like to be healthy. This is a great start to forming new affirmations. Let's think of it a different way. Try saying something like, €I weigh my natural body weight.€ This is very clear. It tells your unconscious exactly what to do - to get your body to your natural body weight. Instead of question yourself with the €I would€ you are clear in saying that €you do€. This allows your unconscious to work to achieve your goal.
Be clear in what your true desire is. This way you can achieve your weight loss goals. This part is very hard for many people as they have been rooted in their negative self-thoughts for so long. I promise that you can come out of this a stronger, healthier you. You can have a healthy relationship with food.