Feeling as you do now, so hurt, angry, resentful, and worried that you won't get your ex back, you could be fooled into doing something stupid and ruin any chances you have to get back together again.
The sensible thing to do is to just put the break up and your ex as well, to one side of your mind, and concentrate on getting yourself feeling better again.
Once you are over the trauma of the break up, and are not so hurt and angry anymore, then you will look at things in a whole new light.
At the moment everything seems utterly hopeless - give it a few days or a week though, and things will look a lot more positive.
Your family and friends are probably doing all they can to make you feel better - they know just how depressed one can get after a break up - most of them have been there already.
If you have been refusing up to now, then change your attitude right away.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to get your ex back at this point in time, so you might as well keep yourself busy with things that will help you to feel happy.
If your friends and family invite you out somewhere, then go - it will only do you the world of good.
It will take your mind off the heartache you're going through right now, and it will definitely be a lot better than closing yourself up in a darkened room and feeling miserable by yourself! When you're feeling a whole lot better, make that call to your ex and say that you would like to talk things over with him/her.
Your ex will also be over the hurt and anger of the break up by now, and will probably be willing to see you again.
Now you know you have a good chance to get your ex back.
The sensible thing to do is to just put the break up and your ex as well, to one side of your mind, and concentrate on getting yourself feeling better again.
Once you are over the trauma of the break up, and are not so hurt and angry anymore, then you will look at things in a whole new light.
At the moment everything seems utterly hopeless - give it a few days or a week though, and things will look a lot more positive.
Your family and friends are probably doing all they can to make you feel better - they know just how depressed one can get after a break up - most of them have been there already.
If you have been refusing up to now, then change your attitude right away.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to get your ex back at this point in time, so you might as well keep yourself busy with things that will help you to feel happy.
If your friends and family invite you out somewhere, then go - it will only do you the world of good.
It will take your mind off the heartache you're going through right now, and it will definitely be a lot better than closing yourself up in a darkened room and feeling miserable by yourself! When you're feeling a whole lot better, make that call to your ex and say that you would like to talk things over with him/her.
Your ex will also be over the hurt and anger of the break up by now, and will probably be willing to see you again.
Now you know you have a good chance to get your ex back.