Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Prolong Orgasm - Last Longer and Enjoy More Sexual Satisfaction Naturally!

If you want to prolong orgasm and you are male or female, then the enclosed herbs are proven to work fast to give you better performance in bed and of course more satisfying orgasms.
Lets take a look at how and why these herbs work.
Before we look at the herbs which can prolong orgasm, lets look at the problems both men and women encounter in terms of achieving peak sexual performance.
Sexuality is based on strong blood flow to and into the sex organs upon arousal and of course if this does not occur, a man can't get an erection and woman's satisfaction plummets.
The key to getting more blood into the sex organs is nitric oxide, a chemical which when realized, widens the blood vessels enough, for an increased flow of blood to enter and fill them.
In a man's case, its one of the most common reasons for erectile dysfunction, as no erection can occur without it.
Testosterone is not just needed by men, women also need it and if they don't get enough, libido and satisfaction fall.
It's the key sex hormone for men and women need it too.
Stress and worry can cause you to be unable to focus on sex and its therefore important, your mind is relaxed, so body energy is focused on your libido.
The mind plays an underrated but key role in sexual performance, so you need to pay attention to this area.
The herbs below are found in all the best male and female herbal sex pills and will combat all the problems above and give you better sexual health.
Horny Goat Weed Increases nitric oxide secretion and testosterone production and in addition, plays a key role in increasing body energy, due to it's ability to reduce stress.
Cnidium This herb increases blood flow to the pelvic region to make sure a sufficient volume is there to be let in.
When blood arrives in the vicinity of the sex organs, Cnidium not only increases nitric oxide secretion but also inhibits PDE5 which is a major cause of erection failures in men - it does the same job as synthetic drugs only naturally.
Ginger Has had a reputation for centuries of igniting the flames of passion and it has earned this reputation due to it's ability, to increase blood flow to the sex organs quickly.
The herb also plays another key role in ensuring peak wellness, by working to keep the heart healthy.
Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow throughout the body and to the sex organs during arousal by increasing the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor which ensures strong blood flow continues during sex.
The herb also works to protect the blood vessels and reduces arteriosclerotic lesions and furring which can impede blood flow.
It also works to increase energy levels, reduces stress levels to put you in the mood for sex.
Get them all for Better Sexual health You will find the libido enhancers above, combined with others in the best male and female herbal sex pills and they will not only help you prolong orgasm and allow you get more from sex but improve your overall level of health so you get more from life too.
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