- 1). Multiply the last digit of the octal number by one (8 to the zeroth power). In this and the following steps, write down the result in a column.
- 2). Multiply the second to last digit of the octal number by 8 (8 to the first power).
- 3). Multiply the third to last digit of the octal number by 64 (eight to the second power).
- 4). Multiply the fourth to last digit of the octal number by 512 (8 to the third power).
- 5). Continue applying this pattern until you have processed the entire number.
- 6). Add the results from each step. The total is the octal number expressed as a decimal.
- 1). Follow the steps below, writing down the remainders for each step in a row from right to left.
- 2). Divide the total from section 1, step 6, by two. Note the remainder.
- 3). Divide the result of step 1 by two. Note the remainder.
- 4). Divide the result of step 2 by two. Note the remainder.
- 5). Continue the pattern until you reach the answer 0. Note the remainder.
- 6). The string of 1s and 0s you wrote, following directions from step one, is the binary version of your decimal number.
Octal to Decimal
Decimal to Binary