Definition: Universalism is a doctrine that teaches all people will be saved.
The main argument for universalism is that a good and loving God would not condemn people to eternal torment in hell. Some universalists believe that after a certain cleansing period, God will free the inhabitants of hell and reconcile them to himself. Others say that after death, people will have another opportunity to choose God.
For some who adhere to Universalism, the doctrine also implies that there are many ways to get into heaven.
These views run counter to the Bible. Jesus Christ taught that those who reject him as Savior will spend eternity in hell after they die:
Universalism focuses exclusively on God's love and mercy and ignores his justice and wrath. It also assumes that God's love depends on what he does for humanity, rather than being a self-existing attribute of God present from eternity, before man was created.
James Fowler, president of Christ in You Ministries, notes, "Desiring to focus on the rosy optimism of the universal perfection of man, sin is, for the most part, an irrelevancy...Sin is minimized and trivialized in all universalistic teaching."
Universalism was taught by Origen (185-254 A.D.) but was declared heresy by the Council of Constantinople in 543 A.D. It became popular again in the 19th century and is gaining traction in many Christian circles today.
Fowler adds that one reason for the resurgence of universalism is the current attitude that we should not be judgmental of any religion, idea, or person. By refusing to call anything right or wrong, universalists not only cancel the need for Christ's redeeming sacrifice, but also ignore the consequences of unrepented sin.
As a doctrine, universalism does not describe one certain denomination or faith group. The universalist camp includes members of varying doctrinal categories with differing and sometimes contradictory beliefs.
Pronunciation: yu ni VER sul iz um
Also Known As: universal restoration, universal reconciliation, universal restitution, universal salvation.
(Sources:, and Christ in You Ministries.)