Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dating Tips For Men - How to Get Sexy "Bedroom Eyes

A strong and compelling sexual energy, when harnessed and redirected, can ultimately establish a lot of things; it lets her know that you are A MAN and not afraid of expressing that.
As a matter of fact, it possibly the best method of legitimizing a speedy leap towards intimacy.
So as PUA's we need various styles and tricks to express overt sexual interest but also have an 'escape hatch' if she calls us out on it.
Let's look at a very commonly used technique we use to communicate overt sexual interest...
'Bedroom Eyes:' One obvious benefit about sustained 'bedroom eye' contact is it's certainly not gonna land you in the friendzone.
And I'm a strong advocate that you should go practice in front of a mirror or a good buddy.
(Just try not to start kino-ing them;) For me, 'Bedroom Eyes' feels something like this: - My head is often cocked slightly to the side or back as if I'm examining her - My head can be still but can also have slow sustained movement - The lids of my eyes are easy and relaxed, not wide eyed - I'm not afraid to hold her gaze just slightly longer than what is 'socially acceptable' - I drink in her eyes and relish the moments when she breaks the eye contact first - My subtext is: "You have me intrigued...
if you prove yourself, I will screw your brains out...
" Now...
Even after you get really good at doing this you will almost always get called out on it by her, particularly if you are with her for an extended period of time.
Here is a very effective counter i created to deal with her when she does: *What's below should all be playful, and you should really get her to do it* Her: "You keep looking at me with this sexy stare.
" You: "What are you talking about?" Her: "Yeah, you keep looking at me...
I don't know...
" You: "Ok, since I have no idea what you're talking about, can you show me what I am supposedly doing?" Her: "I'm not sure if I can imitate it.
" You: "Come onnnn, show me;) Let's see this look you SAY I'm giving you.
" *she imitates* You: "Oh my God.
That might be the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
Is that I how I look to you when I'm doing it? Wow.
You should keep on doing that!" She will laugh, but the laugh is not the real payoff.
You have now started a game with her that you will continue throughout the interaction, periodically getting her to show you the 'look' again...
The trick is now you've got HER giving YOU bedroom eye contact too which accomplishes 3 things: 1.
You've got yourselves a fun little game you can always go back to.
This kind of play amplifies the sexual chemistry.
Her imitating the face actually reinforces in her mind that she really is interested in you.
Enjoy, Julian
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