Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Friday Freestyle

Welcome to another addition of my friday freestyle (written on a Thursday)

Today, I am less than motivated, and I learnt this week why automating your business is not, a good idea€¦


My lack of motivation€¦

This week wasn't the smooth sailing week I had in mind. Plans and schedules for this week, interrupted by greater forces at play. My social media plan I scheduled last week however, is in great condition. Proof that it works, I have ironed out the bugs, and it's time to emulate the strategy with my other interests€¦ 818 Apps and Urban Toy. Some exciting new partnerships and relationships created with both 818 Apps and Urban Toy. On Wednesday I spent the whole day going through my articles fixing grammatical issues for approval and publishing. There strict rules regarding topics, and proper use of grammar. I found out. It is teaching me to be a better writer€¦ It's, teaching me to write better and with the help of Slick Write, I'm becoming a better writer.

I realised that my lack of motivation. Wasn't because, I wasn't making any progress€¦ It was because I was ill prepared for the progress I am making.

Overwhelmed, extra tasks on my plate and unprepared for the unknown mentally was the reason for my lack of motivation. Today as has been a day of pushing myself through the day to do the most important tasks I set.

To the best of my ability. KEEP ON GOING€¦ It just dawned on me. The 100 day challenge video lesson for today.

My mission for the rest of the week? Get a head of where I would have been this weekend. Including scheduling.

3 Ninja Zombie is dropping down the ranking. Un-cool!

Important 3 Ninja Zombies-XmasEdition gets ratings and I market it. Please click the link bellow and download, available for iOS in the AppStore at this time. Would love the feedback.

Today I realised I should increase the creative, motivational, remove myself from the house office, locations in my routine. Sucked into my tasks, I convince myself I need to do it at home. €I, don't have the time for the driving.€ When the cabin fever starts getting noticeable it contributes to my lack of motivation€¦ BLEH!! To much of the same scenery isn't a good thing.

My lesson

You be the brains and vision for your business and create your own syllabus for your customers. Everything else. AUTOMATE!! Next time something unforeseen happens with an automated business. You wont have the extra concerns that your business is stopping while you find solutions for your new challenges. While €trying€ to keep your business running.

And wow€¦ Don't I feel better after writing this?

(Friday Insert - Played some golf this morning€¦ Was a 9 hole par 3 course. Awesome fun, I still got some of my swing€¦ And I got some sunburn on my legs, oh yeah!! The point though. I got out, socialised, had trust in the systems in place for when I am not around.)
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