Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to End Your First Date?

No matter how well (or how bad) your first date went, there comes the time when the waiter positions the check halfway between the two of you.
There may be moments when you are trying to decide who should pay, but the general rule is this: the one who asked for a date pays the bill.
If you start regular dating you may negotiate other arrangements, but the first date is definitely not the time for such debates.
By paying the bill, you send the message that you are investing in the relationship, you're classy, stylish and well off financially.
In this context, avoid the appearance of being cheap: don't show by any means if you think the bill is higher than you expected, and always tip generously.
You should also avoid showing the bill to your date, and you should definitely not talk about the amount of money you paid.
Remember, paying someone's dinner doesn't mean that your date owes you in any way.
Your courtesy doesn't mean you are buying sex, or that your date has to go out with you again.
It doesn't even mean your date has to be grateful, or pick up the phone when you are calling.
A really smart thing to do is visiting the restaurant one day earlier, giving your credit card number and instructions on the amount of tip you want to give.
This way you can avoid the hassle with the check, and you can continue talking undisturbed.
Apart from the check, you will notice when your date is over.
The table had been cleared off, the movie had ended, or the sun has risen.
But dating is also about emotions, and who cares about the empty restaurant when in love? If things are going really well, a chemical named phenylethylamine (PEA) is released in your brain, causing euphoria.
This makes you stay up all night, staring into each other's eyes and talking endlessly.
But you can't continue forever, there will be a moment when you have to say goodbye.
There is a never ending dispute whether should you have sex at the first date? If both of you just can't control yourselves, the answer is definitely yes.
But sometimes it is better to pace yourself, because it is better to leave your date wanting for more, than feeling that it was too much.
If your date went well, you may want to make it the start of a relationship, instead of the grand finale of one night.
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