- Only certain image file types are compatible with MS Word. The following file formats are compatible with MS Word; emf, wmf, jpg, jped, jfif, jpe, png, bmp, dib, rle, bmz, gif, gfa, emz, wmz, pcz, pcd, pcx, cdr, cgm, eps, fpx, mix, pct, pict, tif, tiff and wpg. Using a file with an extension not compatible with MS Word will result in an error and the file will not be able to be viewed. Popular extensions such as psd and ai, for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, are not accepted.
- File size also determines if an image will be viewable in MS Word. For example, very large uncompressed image files may be unable to be loaded into MS Word and may even crash the program. The size limit will depend on the computer's specifications and the version of MS Word being used. Try to compress and shrink files before importing them into MS Word to avoid experiencing problems.
- The resolution differs from the file size, although the two are often related. Large-resolution files may not be viewable because the image is significantly larger than the page on which it is to be displayed; only part of the image may show up. Newer versions of Word shrink large images to acceptable sizes on importation. Users using old versions of MS Word should reduce the image's resolution to make it appear correctly before importing it.
- The version of MS Word will also dictate which images can be displayed. For example, newer versions of MS Word support more file formats than older ones do. To reduce problems, upgrade to the latest version of MS Word. Check that the image file opens on its own first. If the image file fails to display when opened outside of MS Word, then it is likely corrupt and unusable.
File Types
File Size
Version and Conflicts