Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

What Is High Fantasy?

If you have read my previous article regarding what is Fantasy; you know that I define all things written, by their disconnection from reality.
Fantasy fits under Speculative Fiction; which is the longest leap away from reality.
However, Fantasy, despite what many think, is actually a broad genre and read far more often than many people thing.
What most people consider as 'Fantasy' is better termed as 'High Fantasy'.
High Fantasy is a Sub-Genre that is known both not only for its quality and singularity of content, but indeed, its often noted for the quality and style of the actual literature.
I define High Fantasy as any fantasy involving an epic conflict, and an equally epic history (termed a Mythopoeia).
Often; these books are also noted for a supernatural factor, and a setting which is pre-industrial.
So what do I mean by Epic Conflict? In High Fantasy; the heroes are often pitted and arrayed against forces that threaten a nation, the whole of existence, a religion, or some other great task.
Their quest, the battles they fight, take on the utmost importance, because if they fail; it means the end of not only them, but most likely everyone they have loved or cared for.
Often, these conflicts are against a humanoid player for an antagonist, but sometimes not.
For example, a lone sorcerer trying to end a magical drought that threatens to kill of humanity...
is an epic conflict.
In addition, High Fantasy is defined by a back story that far surpasses the back cover of a book.
JRR Tolkien, for instance, wrote quite a few pieces which he carefully used to craft his Mythopoeia (a term which he coined).
He developed not only back-stories for his main characters, but back-stories for his minor characters, maps, histories of entire nations and peoples...
he even went so far as to craft written languages for each of his major races.
This sort of dedication not only builds a dedicated fan base, but is often a good source for future stories and works, and will make a work seem that much more 'complete'.
As I mentioned, often times the stories take place in a pre-industrial setting, and feature a supernatural factor (such as magic and wizardry).
These elements are essential for the item to be defined as High Fantasy, instead of a subset of another Genre, for these factors (and indeed the Mythopoeia itself) help define that this world which we are experiencing is not our own.
Lastly, stylized narrative is very much apart of High Fantasy, as crucial as anything listed above.
Given the amount of time and dedication spent to develop the world, equal parts of time and dedication are given over to make the narrative poetic yet enjoyable.
This also goes hand in hand with the development of a Mythopoeia; as the writer is responsible for the poetry and language of the people he has created.
So in essence, what most people thing of as Fantasy, is, in truth, High Fantasy.
High Fantasy can still be mixed with other elements, but it definitely takes on a character all its own.
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