Do you want to know the secrets of how to intrigue a woman? Are you getting tired of your boring self? Do you want to do away with your predictable ways and become a mystery in the eyes of the woman you like? Then mixing your ways up might just be the answer.
Intriguing a woman does not necessarily mean that you should change every single bit of your personality-you only have to learn how to jumble things up and keep her anticipating for more surprises.
Here are some sure shot ways on how to intrigue a woman: Mix your wardrobe up.
Even though you have a signature look, your woman would still find it appealing if you know how to spice your shell up by trying on different styles of clothing that speak of the different sides of your personality.
Remember that you can communicate with the way you dress up, so follow your mood and keep her anticipating something new from you every now and then.
Change perfumes.
Ask for your girl friends' opinion on which perfume would most likely appeal to your woman.
Playing with the way you smell is a great tactic in trying to intrigue a woman and in trying to make her interested-because as the way you dress, how you smell also speaks of how you feel and what your mood is.
Play with your hair.
Different hairstyles also spark interest and show that you can carry different looks whether it be clean or a bit messed up.
This also adds to the mystery of your personality as it reflects your inner style.
You could also grow facial hair once in a while so your woman won't get bored of your same old look.
There are many ways to keep her interested and intrigue a woman, even by just playing with your image and personality.
Intriguing a woman does not necessarily mean that you should change every single bit of your personality-you only have to learn how to jumble things up and keep her anticipating for more surprises.
Here are some sure shot ways on how to intrigue a woman: Mix your wardrobe up.
Even though you have a signature look, your woman would still find it appealing if you know how to spice your shell up by trying on different styles of clothing that speak of the different sides of your personality.
Remember that you can communicate with the way you dress up, so follow your mood and keep her anticipating something new from you every now and then.
Change perfumes.
Ask for your girl friends' opinion on which perfume would most likely appeal to your woman.
Playing with the way you smell is a great tactic in trying to intrigue a woman and in trying to make her interested-because as the way you dress, how you smell also speaks of how you feel and what your mood is.
Play with your hair.
Different hairstyles also spark interest and show that you can carry different looks whether it be clean or a bit messed up.
This also adds to the mystery of your personality as it reflects your inner style.
You could also grow facial hair once in a while so your woman won't get bored of your same old look.
There are many ways to keep her interested and intrigue a woman, even by just playing with your image and personality.