Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

All about Pregnancy and good health

If you are carrying a baby in your womb, then you need to take care of yourself and your baby. It is very important to take care of each and every thing because even your small mistakes may hurt your child. Preventative measures like diet control, daily exercise and even regular counseling of doctor should be taken.

You should maintain good balanced diet. Keep in mind you are eating for two now so it is very important to consume nutritional food like proteins, vitamins and minerals. Even iron and calcium should be consumed during pregnancy. It will be good if you avoid food like chocolate, ice-cream and other sweets.

Weight gaining in pregnancy is normal, because your child is growing. Exercise during pregnancy will help you to restrict your weight gain at the time of pregnancy. Exercise will strengthen your muscles that will prepare you for labour pain. Exercise will improve blood circulation of the body, which will help your child to become healthy.

The third precaution which should be taken during pregnancy is you should take time to time consult a doctor. It will help you know whether the position of child is proper or not. Even if you feel pain in your womb, you should immediately visit a doctor for the checkup.

Another precaution which can be taken is clothing. You should wear all loose cloths. Tight cloths may pressurize your baby and it might get hurt. Loose cloths will make you feel comfortable and even your child will feel comfortable. After all it is all about pregnancy.  

There is some more precaution to pregnancy which should be taken to secure your child. You should not carry something which is very heavy. You should make use of elevator rather than steps. If you are working women, then you have to leave your job after the six month of pregnancy. You should take proper care of your health after all it is all about pregnancy.

You should face left side while sleeping. It is good for child, child will take sound sleep. These are the safety measures which should be taken while you are pregnant. It's all about pregnancy, so you should try to take as much precaution as you can. Hope you will find the content helpful and precautions will help to your child and even it will decrease your labour pain at time of delivery. This is not all about pregnancy which you need to know. There is lot more to it and you can find information on it on the web too.
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