Candles are used for many things.
A scented candle can fill your home or office with a wonderful fragrance of your choosing.
An elegant taper candle can be used in religious ceremonies and to have a quiet, romantic dinner where the harsh lights of electricity are kept at bay with their soft glow.
But have you heard about ear candles? No, they are not some candle formed by ear wax and they are not ear shaped.
Ear candling is a process that involves the use of ear candles to cure a variety of ailments.
It is an alternative medicine practice that has long standing roots in the community and all across the world.
It is supposed to rid the body of excess ear wax, remove impurities and even cure some diseases, such as Meniere's syndrome.
It can also open the spiritual centers of the body and align the chakras.
It is said to have been used by the Ancient Tibetans, Egyptians and even by the people from the mythical city of Atlantis.
The Atlantean reference may be what is causing so many people to doubt whether or not these paraffin wax or beeswax candles actually work.
You are not supposed to use any scented candles and you should also not use any colored candles.
So put away those sixteen candles from the birthday party.
They will not work.
Here is how the method is supposed to work.
A person lies on his or her side and a plate is placed above the ear.
This plate is usually a tin pie plate with a whole cut into the center.
The small candle is inserted into the hole and inserted into the ear canal.
The other end is lit and the smoke and gentle heat is filtered down into the ear canal to rid the body of its impurities.
Afterwards, a cotton swab is used to clean the canal and outer ear.
You should be able to see the impurities on the tin plate and on the cotton swab.
The problem with the results from ear candling is the ear candles themselves.
All of the impurities found on the plate were actually just drippings from the candle itself, even the black pieces and other trash.
Researchers have proven that there are no verifiable results from this method and that even the method itself can be dangerous if hot wax were to be accidentally splashed into the ear canal.
You may just have to call this alternative medicine practice a hoax.
A scented candle can fill your home or office with a wonderful fragrance of your choosing.
An elegant taper candle can be used in religious ceremonies and to have a quiet, romantic dinner where the harsh lights of electricity are kept at bay with their soft glow.
But have you heard about ear candles? No, they are not some candle formed by ear wax and they are not ear shaped.
Ear candling is a process that involves the use of ear candles to cure a variety of ailments.
It is an alternative medicine practice that has long standing roots in the community and all across the world.
It is supposed to rid the body of excess ear wax, remove impurities and even cure some diseases, such as Meniere's syndrome.
It can also open the spiritual centers of the body and align the chakras.
It is said to have been used by the Ancient Tibetans, Egyptians and even by the people from the mythical city of Atlantis.
The Atlantean reference may be what is causing so many people to doubt whether or not these paraffin wax or beeswax candles actually work.
You are not supposed to use any scented candles and you should also not use any colored candles.
So put away those sixteen candles from the birthday party.
They will not work.
Here is how the method is supposed to work.
A person lies on his or her side and a plate is placed above the ear.
This plate is usually a tin pie plate with a whole cut into the center.
The small candle is inserted into the hole and inserted into the ear canal.
The other end is lit and the smoke and gentle heat is filtered down into the ear canal to rid the body of its impurities.
Afterwards, a cotton swab is used to clean the canal and outer ear.
You should be able to see the impurities on the tin plate and on the cotton swab.
The problem with the results from ear candling is the ear candles themselves.
All of the impurities found on the plate were actually just drippings from the candle itself, even the black pieces and other trash.
Researchers have proven that there are no verifiable results from this method and that even the method itself can be dangerous if hot wax were to be accidentally splashed into the ear canal.
You may just have to call this alternative medicine practice a hoax.