Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

The Effective Leucoderma Ayurveda Treatment

The foundation of ayurveda is based on the principle to live with nature in harmony. Ayurveda is a traditional Indian science that is potent to support and relieve the patients from many chronic diseases. Symptoms of rheumatological problems are fever, swelling, tenderness and more.

Ayurveda illustrates that the three doshas - vata that represents air and pitta signifying fire is mainly in charge of digestion and kapha that indicates earth is the stabilizing force, all these must be well-balanced. The equilibrium in all three humors contributes to the psychological status of a person.

Rheumatological problems and ayurveda suggests that the rheumatic issues are due to the imbalance of vata that is responsible for the health of nerves and skeletal framework. The different types of rheumatic problems include arthritis, sciatica, spondylitis, slipped disc, frozen shoulder, gout and more. These are the damaging diseases that affect the nerves and bones.

According to rheumatological problems and ayurveda, arthritis is a persistent and common inflammatory immune disease. The antibodies increases and the components of joints including cartilages, bone, synovial fluid and joint tissue gets destroyed. The major parts that get affected are smaller joints of the hands, wrists, knees, ankles. The hip and elbow joints are rarely influenced. As this disease is autoimmune what really triggers it is still unknown. Some factors that can be responsible in one way or other are genetic factor, smoking, infection by virus and alcoholism

In ayurveda, rheumatic issue is based on the Ama vata theory. The factors that cause are emotional distress, improper diet and lack of rest. This ama or toxins are attracted to the joints of the bones and get deposited there. Over time, if they are left untreated this inflammation gets chronic and damages the joint, which in turn causes the muscles nearby to shrink.

There is unbearable pain along with the rigidity in the muscles and joints amplifies gradually, which is followed with fatigue. Several people suffer from symptoms like body ache, fever, indigestion and poor taste.

The effective treatment includes instant elimination of the ama dosh. Ayurveda herbal preparation helps to strengthen the tissues, bones and the skeletal tissues by increasing the flexibility and thus, allowing the muscles and joints to move easily. Ayurveda herbal oil massages are also proved to be highly effective.

As per rheumatological problems and ayurveda, osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that also needs special treatment. There is lack of proper blood circulation to the joints that causes dryness and triggers due to over exertion. Ayurveda states that this issue is due to kapha dosha that leads to the depletion of the synovial fluid, which offers lubricant and acts as a cushion to the joints. Due to this there is friction caused to the joints that roots a constant pain and joint mobility gets limited. It also affects the joints of hip and knee that are responsible to bear the body weight.

Taking ayurveda treatment like Jaanu vasthi, pizhichil, abhyangam, elakhzhi and more, if applied at the early stages prevents further damage to the joints with a quick recovery by reducing the swelling and the pain. The nutrition is also enhanced along with the blood circulation in the entire body.
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