If you're looking for a yeast infection home remedy you may have already tried over-the-counter treatments and prescriptions from your Doctor and found that while they may relieve the symptoms for a while - maybe even for a long while, you infection keeps coming back.
This is because these methods of treatment are rarely effective at tackling the root cause of yeast infection - they usually only treat the symptoms not the cause.
Before we look at recommendations for a home remedy let's look a little closer at what a yeast infection actually is and what causes it.
What is Yeast Infection?
Healthy human beings all have a huge and diverse number of bacteria on our skin, in our mouths, in the genital area and in our intestines.
These bacteria are normally held in a delicate balance by each other and by the normal processes in our bodies.
Unfortunately various situations in life can disrupt this delicate internal balance and this is when an overgrowth of candida albicans, the bacteria that cause yeast infection, can take place.
Are There Potential Complications?
If a yeast infection is allowed to continue for too long there can be complications. The candida albicans in our intestines can change from a yeast form to a fungal form which then creates root-like structures which break through the walls of our intestines.
This allows the infection to get into the blood stream and travel around our bodies causing many localised infections and potentially also infecting our organs.
When this has happened the yeast infection is termed as systemic and can be very difficult to eradicate.
Causes of Yeast Infection
There are a large number of potential causes:
Yeast Infection Home Remedy
There are a number of straight forward natural home remedies which can be effective in quickly relieving the symptoms:
Please remember however that while a yeast infection home remedy can be very effective in treating the symptoms they are unlikely to be a permanent cure on their own.
This is because these methods of treatment are rarely effective at tackling the root cause of yeast infection - they usually only treat the symptoms not the cause.
Before we look at recommendations for a home remedy let's look a little closer at what a yeast infection actually is and what causes it.
What is Yeast Infection?
Healthy human beings all have a huge and diverse number of bacteria on our skin, in our mouths, in the genital area and in our intestines.
These bacteria are normally held in a delicate balance by each other and by the normal processes in our bodies.
Unfortunately various situations in life can disrupt this delicate internal balance and this is when an overgrowth of candida albicans, the bacteria that cause yeast infection, can take place.
Are There Potential Complications?
If a yeast infection is allowed to continue for too long there can be complications. The candida albicans in our intestines can change from a yeast form to a fungal form which then creates root-like structures which break through the walls of our intestines.
This allows the infection to get into the blood stream and travel around our bodies causing many localised infections and potentially also infecting our organs.
When this has happened the yeast infection is termed as systemic and can be very difficult to eradicate.
Causes of Yeast Infection
There are a large number of potential causes:
- The use of antibiotics which can kill the pro-biotic bacteria which we need to prevent candida overgrowth.
- Hormonal changes (during the normal menstrual cycle, pregnancy or as a result of hormone therapy or birth control)
- Poorly controlled diabetes can allow elevated blood sugar levels which the yeast will feed on.
- Clothing which allows increased moisture near the skin.
- Sexual contact with an infected partner.
- A weakened immune system (maybe as a result of HIV).
- Stress can cause increased blood sugar levels which the yeast will feed on.
- Poor diet - Refined carbohydrates can cause candida to grow.
Yeast Infection Home Remedy
There are a number of straight forward natural home remedies which can be effective in quickly relieving the symptoms:
- Natural yoghurt which has not been heat treated contains friendly bacteria knows as pro-biotics. Our bodies naturally have pro-biotics on our skin and in our intestines - these are used by our bodies to keep the candida in check. We can use the pro-biotics in natural yoghurt either applied to the infected area, eaten, or both, to help combat the candida.
- Many vitamin supplements also include pro-biotics which can help to restore the natural internal healthy balance in our intestines.
- Diluted Tea Tree Oil is a strong anti-bacterial which can be effective in the treatment of candida infections.
- Garlic oil applied to the infected area and garlic cloves taken internally can be very effective. Garlic has strong natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
- An application of organic apple cider vinegar can also help relieve the symptoms.
- A change of diet to remove all foods containing and type of sugar or sugar substitute as well as foods that our bodies digestive systems convert into sugar will help significantly. Foods to avoid include all refined carbohydrates - white floor, white bread, white pasta, white rice and any type of cereals.
Please remember however that while a yeast infection home remedy can be very effective in treating the symptoms they are unlikely to be a permanent cure on their own.