In 1985 a New York chiropractor named Donald Epstein began developing a gentle form of wellness, chiropractic care that he called Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), also known as Network Care. He and his Wise World Seminars organization (, now located in Longmont, Colorado, have been researching, refining and teaching Network Care all over the World ever since.
Through his uncanny ability to track patterns and observe energetic phenomena in people, Epstein noticed that his client's nervous systems were entraining together. That is, they appeared to be sharing the wellness and consciousness shifts via the information exchange between their overlapping energetic fields, or €energetic intelligences€ (Epstein, Senzon, and Lemberger), as Epstein would later refer to them. Because of these observations, Epstein began performing entrainment sessions with multiple people positioned on tables next to each other. He also observed that when multiple people received a Network entrainment together, a powerfully amplified, group entrainment field was created which seemed to increase the potency of the entrainment session for those involved.
Epstein recognized that spreading the wellness and consciousness benefits of the heart-entrained state to large numbers of people represented the potential for making a significant, positive social impact. Subsequently he began holding weekend-long programs, called Transformational Gates, where three hundred to five hundred people would come together in order to receive a number of Network entrainments and spend time in the resulting, heart-generated, group entrainment field. As of the writing of this article there have been 156 Transformational Gate programs held in numerous places in the United States, and Europe. To date these Transformational Gate programs have served approximately thirty thousand individuals. In addition to this, it is estimated that some thirty thousand people receive ongoing Network Care at private offices all over the World (Lemberger), and these numbers continue to rise as more and more people feel compelled to seek out the natural, heart-centered solutions for living that our current and future eras are demanding that we find.
Network Care's consistent and reproducible, positive outcomes, along with its longevity and growing popularity, is confirmation that it works through the mechanisms that Epstein suggests. Nonetheless, a research and education organization in California, the Institute of HeartMath, has produced scientific evidence during the course of their investigations that corroborates Epstein's energetic observations. First, using sensitive magnetometers, the IHM has found that the heart's electromagnetic field €can be measured a number of feet away from the body, in all directions€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). Furthermore, the key findings of one IHM study show that, €when people touch or are in proximity, one person's heartbeat signal is registered in the other person's brain waves€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). In other words the coherent heart signal of one person can entrain the nervous system of another. The study found that this effect was the strongest when people were physically touching one another, as is the case between a practitioner of a healing modality and the person receiving the care. The effect was also present when people were in close proximity, as is the case when people are lying on tables next to each other, for instance. These findings have led the IHM to conclude, as Epstein has suggested, that €the heart's field is an important carrier of information€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). Finally, another IHM study provides evidence of the existence of a group entrainment field. This study revealed that €individuals in a physiologically coherent state become more sensitive to the subtle electromagnetic information encoded in the heart signals of others around them€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). These studies, say the IHM, represent some of the first successful demonstrations of a testable theory of the mechanisms behind resource-based healing modalities such as Epstein's Network Care.
Works Cited:
Epstein, Donald, Simon Senzon, and Daniel Lemberger. "Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing." The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15 (2009): 475-87. Reorganizational Healing. 20 Oct. 2011.
Lemberger, Dan. direct conversation.
McCraty, Rollin, Mike Atkinson, and Dana Tomasino. "Science of the Heart, Science of Coherence, Heart Rate Variability, Institute HeartMath." De-stress, stress survey, well-being, stress solutions, lower stress, stress management tools, Institute of HeartMath. 2001. Institute of HeartMath. 28 Sept. 2011.
Through his uncanny ability to track patterns and observe energetic phenomena in people, Epstein noticed that his client's nervous systems were entraining together. That is, they appeared to be sharing the wellness and consciousness shifts via the information exchange between their overlapping energetic fields, or €energetic intelligences€ (Epstein, Senzon, and Lemberger), as Epstein would later refer to them. Because of these observations, Epstein began performing entrainment sessions with multiple people positioned on tables next to each other. He also observed that when multiple people received a Network entrainment together, a powerfully amplified, group entrainment field was created which seemed to increase the potency of the entrainment session for those involved.
Epstein recognized that spreading the wellness and consciousness benefits of the heart-entrained state to large numbers of people represented the potential for making a significant, positive social impact. Subsequently he began holding weekend-long programs, called Transformational Gates, where three hundred to five hundred people would come together in order to receive a number of Network entrainments and spend time in the resulting, heart-generated, group entrainment field. As of the writing of this article there have been 156 Transformational Gate programs held in numerous places in the United States, and Europe. To date these Transformational Gate programs have served approximately thirty thousand individuals. In addition to this, it is estimated that some thirty thousand people receive ongoing Network Care at private offices all over the World (Lemberger), and these numbers continue to rise as more and more people feel compelled to seek out the natural, heart-centered solutions for living that our current and future eras are demanding that we find.
Network Care's consistent and reproducible, positive outcomes, along with its longevity and growing popularity, is confirmation that it works through the mechanisms that Epstein suggests. Nonetheless, a research and education organization in California, the Institute of HeartMath, has produced scientific evidence during the course of their investigations that corroborates Epstein's energetic observations. First, using sensitive magnetometers, the IHM has found that the heart's electromagnetic field €can be measured a number of feet away from the body, in all directions€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). Furthermore, the key findings of one IHM study show that, €when people touch or are in proximity, one person's heartbeat signal is registered in the other person's brain waves€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). In other words the coherent heart signal of one person can entrain the nervous system of another. The study found that this effect was the strongest when people were physically touching one another, as is the case between a practitioner of a healing modality and the person receiving the care. The effect was also present when people were in close proximity, as is the case when people are lying on tables next to each other, for instance. These findings have led the IHM to conclude, as Epstein has suggested, that €the heart's field is an important carrier of information€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). Finally, another IHM study provides evidence of the existence of a group entrainment field. This study revealed that €individuals in a physiologically coherent state become more sensitive to the subtle electromagnetic information encoded in the heart signals of others around them€ (McCraty, Atkinson and Tomasino). These studies, say the IHM, represent some of the first successful demonstrations of a testable theory of the mechanisms behind resource-based healing modalities such as Epstein's Network Care.
Works Cited:
Epstein, Donald, Simon Senzon, and Daniel Lemberger. "Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing." The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15 (2009): 475-87. Reorganizational Healing. 20 Oct. 2011.
Lemberger, Dan. direct conversation.
McCraty, Rollin, Mike Atkinson, and Dana Tomasino. "Science of the Heart, Science of Coherence, Heart Rate Variability, Institute HeartMath." De-stress, stress survey, well-being, stress solutions, lower stress, stress management tools, Institute of HeartMath. 2001. Institute of HeartMath. 28 Sept. 2011.