Health & Medical Lose Weight

I Like Inflammation and Diabetes and Heart

I like inflammation and diabetes and heart disease so what we're going to do with this refined sugar today and by the way its we're not singling out any brands it's just refined sugar I've any sort we're gonna put that in the trash the next thing we're gonna take a look at refined flour and this is why flower the white flour which is seen just like sugar in our systems to him my Easy tell us little bit about why we wouldn't want to use this may be what we would want tousle instead it's a bit all turns to sugar when you get and that's not good sugar it's it's atonally empty source of carbohydrate.
Your body needs carbohydrates fuel but there's good carbohydrate and that can be founding gluten-free flour alternatives or sperm like raw sprouted flowers and all grain flours and rightly lowers all kinds actually these are flowers that are more whole then a refined flour so it's better I just in the system and better is more easier were easy to absorb nutrients because the nutrient content still there in this flower substitutes whereas your bleached white flower its trip to all the whole on the Grand nice where the fiber is that's where the protein lives that's where all the mineral and vitamin content as they would absorb during digestion or so it was a pretty much empty yep and good old-fashioned I think I get this is Chris go but it could really be any kind of vegetable oil now this happens to be made authority being oil we know solely being are worth the most highly genetically modified food around I think it's about 98 percent this year roundup was actually developed for.
I've been farmer productivity by Monsanto the X number of years ago and I think it's something like ninety two percent if I don't if I remember correctly over American soybean crops are genetically modified right and this really isn't a good oil to use that high heat either yeah so thesis not something we want in our food either and now for the good stuff that we're going to be using in our cooking why don't we start with local raw honey which has so many healing benefits it's what anti-fungal anti-bacterial anti I viral about yeah raw unpasteurized honey when has medicinal Raspberry Ultra Drops use that dates back over,000 years into the Hindu Medic tradition means engine grease Hippocrates the father of modern medicine essentially use that in all kinds of treatments from treating sores on your skin to other your station's on all servers all kinds of stuff and it's that even dates back to ancient Egypt and its stores while like people have exhumed five thousand-year-old Egyptian.
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