Dustin Kuhlman becomes a soothsayer of doom in his creatively diverse sci-fi novel titled Warned.
With a cornucopia of sub-plots and scientifically proven and projected details, his story is told through his character Dr.
Jon Castel, a scientist that has run a computer model predicting the future of the earth's biosphere.
In alternating chapters, Kuhlman has Jon Castel on earth, and then on a mission on Mars.
This clever technique creates two storylines simultaneously being told, as Kuhlman brings them together for the climax of his novel with precision.
Castel's research predicted with certainty the enviable future of earth's global warming will lead to extinction of human life.
Set in the future some 35 years from now, his information is told to the President of the United States and the decisions taken are astonishing.
It seems as if earth has crossed the point-of-no-return for global warming; as nothing can be done to prevent the onslaught of ocean levels destroying coastal regions, drought and disease infestation bringing disaster to much of the higher areas, and death to the nearly 9 billion inhabitants - regardless of any survivalist actions of mankind.
Man's only hope as a species for continuing its existence is for the colonization of space.
Mars and the moon are the best options.
Dustin Kuhlman cleverly interleaves a parallel sequence of events dichotomizing the novel with the same character of Jon Castel.
At one storyline sequence, Jon Castel is on Mars with a small crew when his mission is jeopardized by an error in the calculated trajectory of his craft, landing him 500 miles away from his proper destination and without sufficient oxygen for reaching his mother ship alive.
In an attempt to survive, he realizes a cargo ship is close enough to get to in time to possibly find oxygen, and heads through the Martian dust storms in the direction of the craft.
What he discovers is far more surprising - an intelligent alien life form.
The creature, an "E.
type" only taller, is not from Mars, but from a distant planet thousands of light years away.
This seven foot tall alien is introduced as a non-threatening omnipotent being, and once communication is established, is named Buddy by Jon.
The dialogue between Buddy and Jon encompass much of the philosophical aspects brought forth by Dustin Kuhlman, as he uses this creative platform to voice many personal and provocative facts, ideologies, and introspection.
The message is clear as the warning is told to mankind of our inevitable doom.
There is so much to Dustin Kuhlman's writing on so many topics which totally fascinated me with regard to his originality and credibility of detail.
Being a fan of Gene Roddenberry, Steven Spielberg, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov and many other epic minds of science fiction, I found Dustin Kuhlman fitting right in with the group.
He tells a story to showcase his philosophy, and symbiotically in return his message deepens the story.
I certainly hope to read more of his work in the future - that is, if we survive long enough to have a future! We've all been Warned!
With a cornucopia of sub-plots and scientifically proven and projected details, his story is told through his character Dr.
Jon Castel, a scientist that has run a computer model predicting the future of the earth's biosphere.
In alternating chapters, Kuhlman has Jon Castel on earth, and then on a mission on Mars.
This clever technique creates two storylines simultaneously being told, as Kuhlman brings them together for the climax of his novel with precision.
Castel's research predicted with certainty the enviable future of earth's global warming will lead to extinction of human life.
Set in the future some 35 years from now, his information is told to the President of the United States and the decisions taken are astonishing.
It seems as if earth has crossed the point-of-no-return for global warming; as nothing can be done to prevent the onslaught of ocean levels destroying coastal regions, drought and disease infestation bringing disaster to much of the higher areas, and death to the nearly 9 billion inhabitants - regardless of any survivalist actions of mankind.
Man's only hope as a species for continuing its existence is for the colonization of space.
Mars and the moon are the best options.
Dustin Kuhlman cleverly interleaves a parallel sequence of events dichotomizing the novel with the same character of Jon Castel.
At one storyline sequence, Jon Castel is on Mars with a small crew when his mission is jeopardized by an error in the calculated trajectory of his craft, landing him 500 miles away from his proper destination and without sufficient oxygen for reaching his mother ship alive.
In an attempt to survive, he realizes a cargo ship is close enough to get to in time to possibly find oxygen, and heads through the Martian dust storms in the direction of the craft.
What he discovers is far more surprising - an intelligent alien life form.
The creature, an "E.
type" only taller, is not from Mars, but from a distant planet thousands of light years away.
This seven foot tall alien is introduced as a non-threatening omnipotent being, and once communication is established, is named Buddy by Jon.
The dialogue between Buddy and Jon encompass much of the philosophical aspects brought forth by Dustin Kuhlman, as he uses this creative platform to voice many personal and provocative facts, ideologies, and introspection.
The message is clear as the warning is told to mankind of our inevitable doom.
There is so much to Dustin Kuhlman's writing on so many topics which totally fascinated me with regard to his originality and credibility of detail.
Being a fan of Gene Roddenberry, Steven Spielberg, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov and many other epic minds of science fiction, I found Dustin Kuhlman fitting right in with the group.
He tells a story to showcase his philosophy, and symbiotically in return his message deepens the story.
I certainly hope to read more of his work in the future - that is, if we survive long enough to have a future! We've all been Warned!