Definitely, if we insist on protecting our ego and acting arrogantly, the Universe will hit us where it hurts the most.
The only way we can get the support and help we are seeking is to let go of our "smarts" and become more humble.
We must realize that our intellect doesn't know a thing.
If we feel the World owes us something or that we are the only good and honest person on Earth and everybody else takes advantage of us and we play the victim, all doors will continue to close.
If we give to others expecting something in return or give but make the receivers of our "generosity" feel guilty and indebted, it's better not to give.
We can never get the love, acceptance and respect we are seeking by doing and acting this way.
These things are not for sale.
We must earn them.
Are you still living in the past? Are you attached and stuck to things and people gone by? It is time to let go and start living in the present.
There is no more time to look back and to go around in circles, nor time to try to understand it either.
There is nothing to understand, and even if you think you know why things happen, you really don't know, because events usually have nothing to do with what you think.
Everything is the product of memories replaying.
Most of these memories come from previous lifetimes, and a high percentage of them come from our ancestors.
Let go of what you want others to be and start working on yourself and what you want to be.
People don't listen; they observe you, so you will get much more from setting the example.
You might see life as unfair.
You might think people owe you.
You might see others as ungrateful and mistaken.
All these beliefs keep you in a state of resentfulness and bogged down in feelings of entitlement.
When we give our best without expecting anything in return, we feel good and at peace with ourselves and with the Universe.
On the other hand, when we receive without effort, without doing our best, something in us knows we didn't earn it and do not deserve it, and we boycott ourselves by losing it or spoiling it.
We need to feel capable and deserving, to have a sense of accomplishment.
That is why we don't usually appreciate free stuff.
Real benefits result from real giving, which is unconditional and stems from the pure desire to be the best that we can be.
We must give to receive.
There is no way around it.
It may be money or it may be physical, spiritual or emotional effort, but we must always do something to receive.
Everything we give comes back multiplied.
I've experienced this universal law every time I've decide to make an exception with the Ho'oponopono seminars.
The people who don't pay for the seminar don't get it.
You see, the information doesn't come from me.
It comes from Divinity, and Divinity is always watching.
You get what you give.
It is up to you, your trust and your commitment.
Everything comes back, the good and the bad.
In order to feel that you have earned something, you must get out of your comfort zone, take action and be willing to pay for stuff in order to receive and keep.
There has to be some sort of exchange.
You must show you appreciate and value what you are seeking.
You must be willing to invest and trust.
Stop playing games.
Yes, all of the above are games we play.
Be willing to take responsibility for your life, and things will start changing and get much easier.
Now you can choose to be more conscious and notice when you start playing games and spending time concentrating on what doesn't work, like worrying, coping, blaming, complaining and thinking.
Instead of that, you can choose to let go and help things be better and easier.
Everything in our life is an opportunity to overcome challenges and become better and stronger.
Everything is a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like it.
Stretch and get out of your comfort zone.
Give your best.
No expectations.
Let go of the past, your regrets, your anger and be ready to receive all the gifts the Universe has in store for you.
The only way we can get the support and help we are seeking is to let go of our "smarts" and become more humble.
We must realize that our intellect doesn't know a thing.
If we feel the World owes us something or that we are the only good and honest person on Earth and everybody else takes advantage of us and we play the victim, all doors will continue to close.
If we give to others expecting something in return or give but make the receivers of our "generosity" feel guilty and indebted, it's better not to give.
We can never get the love, acceptance and respect we are seeking by doing and acting this way.
These things are not for sale.
We must earn them.
Are you still living in the past? Are you attached and stuck to things and people gone by? It is time to let go and start living in the present.
There is no more time to look back and to go around in circles, nor time to try to understand it either.
There is nothing to understand, and even if you think you know why things happen, you really don't know, because events usually have nothing to do with what you think.
Everything is the product of memories replaying.
Most of these memories come from previous lifetimes, and a high percentage of them come from our ancestors.
Let go of what you want others to be and start working on yourself and what you want to be.
People don't listen; they observe you, so you will get much more from setting the example.
You might see life as unfair.
You might think people owe you.
You might see others as ungrateful and mistaken.
All these beliefs keep you in a state of resentfulness and bogged down in feelings of entitlement.
When we give our best without expecting anything in return, we feel good and at peace with ourselves and with the Universe.
On the other hand, when we receive without effort, without doing our best, something in us knows we didn't earn it and do not deserve it, and we boycott ourselves by losing it or spoiling it.
We need to feel capable and deserving, to have a sense of accomplishment.
That is why we don't usually appreciate free stuff.
Real benefits result from real giving, which is unconditional and stems from the pure desire to be the best that we can be.
We must give to receive.
There is no way around it.
It may be money or it may be physical, spiritual or emotional effort, but we must always do something to receive.
Everything we give comes back multiplied.
I've experienced this universal law every time I've decide to make an exception with the Ho'oponopono seminars.
The people who don't pay for the seminar don't get it.
You see, the information doesn't come from me.
It comes from Divinity, and Divinity is always watching.
You get what you give.
It is up to you, your trust and your commitment.
Everything comes back, the good and the bad.
In order to feel that you have earned something, you must get out of your comfort zone, take action and be willing to pay for stuff in order to receive and keep.
There has to be some sort of exchange.
You must show you appreciate and value what you are seeking.
You must be willing to invest and trust.
Stop playing games.
Yes, all of the above are games we play.
Be willing to take responsibility for your life, and things will start changing and get much easier.
Now you can choose to be more conscious and notice when you start playing games and spending time concentrating on what doesn't work, like worrying, coping, blaming, complaining and thinking.
Instead of that, you can choose to let go and help things be better and easier.
Everything in our life is an opportunity to overcome challenges and become better and stronger.
Everything is a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like it.
Stretch and get out of your comfort zone.
Give your best.
No expectations.
Let go of the past, your regrets, your anger and be ready to receive all the gifts the Universe has in store for you.