When your relationship fails, not only are you feeling very hurt and angry, but also totally confused about the whole situation.
One minute you and your girlfriend where happy together, and the next thing everything fell apart.
You are still probably reeling as to what happened, and are trying to figure out just how to fix it.
Remember though, if you try getting your girlfriend back by constantly contacting her right now, you are going to fail hopelessly.
She is just as hurt, angry, and confused as you are, and trying to get her to listen to anything reason with her at this stage will only confuse the issue even more.
Your begging and pleading will only fill her mind with that much more to have to think about, and she will probably tell you that she doesn't want to see you anymore.
Just leave her alone and let her have time to think about all that has happened, and make a decision as to what she should do about it.
The chances are very good that you will succeed in getting your girlfriend back once she is back to her old self again, and can think clearly about the failed relationship.
It is very likely that once she is over the break up, she realises that she still loves you just as much as before, and will definitely begin to think about getting back together with you again.
If you have mutual friends, you will more than likely hear from them that your girlfriend is missing you and would really like to see you again.
This is a definite indication that getting your girlfriend back is going to happen sometime soon.
This is exactly the right time to make contact with her and let her know that you want to get back together again.
She is over the hurt and anger of the break up, still loves you dearly, and will most probably agree that the two of you should reconcile.
One minute you and your girlfriend where happy together, and the next thing everything fell apart.
You are still probably reeling as to what happened, and are trying to figure out just how to fix it.
Remember though, if you try getting your girlfriend back by constantly contacting her right now, you are going to fail hopelessly.
She is just as hurt, angry, and confused as you are, and trying to get her to listen to anything reason with her at this stage will only confuse the issue even more.
Your begging and pleading will only fill her mind with that much more to have to think about, and she will probably tell you that she doesn't want to see you anymore.
Just leave her alone and let her have time to think about all that has happened, and make a decision as to what she should do about it.
The chances are very good that you will succeed in getting your girlfriend back once she is back to her old self again, and can think clearly about the failed relationship.
It is very likely that once she is over the break up, she realises that she still loves you just as much as before, and will definitely begin to think about getting back together with you again.
If you have mutual friends, you will more than likely hear from them that your girlfriend is missing you and would really like to see you again.
This is a definite indication that getting your girlfriend back is going to happen sometime soon.
This is exactly the right time to make contact with her and let her know that you want to get back together again.
She is over the hurt and anger of the break up, still loves you dearly, and will most probably agree that the two of you should reconcile.