Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Menopause - Sex After Menopause

However sexually active you were before the menopause, you can be sure that its onset will cause physical and psychological changes that will in some way change the way you feel sexually.
While some women find their new situation liberating because they don't have to worry about menstrual cycles and pregnancy, others find that their sex drive decreases making sex difficult or uncomfortable.
- How does menopause decrease libido? During the menopause, the levels of sex hormones in the body decrease dramatically.
With a reduction in testosterone which is responsible for sexual desire and lubrication, progesterone which maintains libido, and estrogen which enhances sexual sensitivity, it is no wonder that physically we may feel less sexy during and after the menopause.
These physical changes often make it harder for a woman to reach orgasm as their sexual response is slower.
Because the walls of the vagina become thinner as estrogen levels decrease, some women find intercourse uncomfortable, or even painful, and a few even experience bleeding.
The menopause symptoms often mean women don't feel much like having intercourse.
Sex might be the last thing on your mind when you are having trouble sleeping and experiencing hot flushes.
You may feel uncomfortable about the changes to your body caused by the menopause, which could include increased weight around the stomach, sagging breasts and thinning hair.
These factors can really knock your sexual confidence and lead you to reject your sexual partner.
In turn this can lead to feelings of guilt and depression which only make the situation worse.
- How does menopause increase libido? For many women the post menopausal phase is the most pleasurable sexually.
Some find that without the worries of contraception and menstruation, they are able to relax and enjoy lovemaking more than they ever have before.
Many find they are able to be more sexually adventurous after the menopause.
For those that are in a trusting long term relationship, this can be a time when the children are grown up, and as a couple you have more time to focus on each others' needs.
The hormonal ups and downs of your menstrual cycle are finally over, and the emotional stress that they can bring is a thing of the past.
- Increasing libido post menopause If you are finding sex after menopause difficult, here are a few things you could try: ~ Build up to intercourse slowly, perhaps using massage or taking a bath with your partner ~ If intercourse is painful you could limit this and use other methods of pleasuring each other; this may even spice up your sex life as you are inspired to experiment ~ Don't avoid intercourse completely as it does improve the muscle tone and lubrication of the vagina ~ Try masturbating to help you to become aroused more easily and achieve orgasm ~ Water based lubricants can make sex more comfortable and pleasurable ~ A hormone cream, such as natural progesterone cream, can help to keep your vaginal area healthy ~ Avoid highly perfumed bath products as these will increase vaginal dryness Although the menopause can have a dramatic impact on your body and mind, it does not have to mark the end of your sex life.
Take time to relax and enjoy the freedom of sex without contraception, or simply use this time to become more intimate with your partner.
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