Do you want to make men like you? Is it hard for you to talk to guys? Are you clever and witty when you're with your friends, but shy around men? If you want to attract men into your life, you need to be able to feel confident around them.
It's easy to make men like you if you just know what to do.
A Tip for the Very Shy The first time you try anything new, you lack confidence.
The only way to learn how to swim, for instance, is to get in the water.
Jumping in at the deep end isn't the best idea.
Instead, try talking to guys in safe environments first.
Talk to the guys at work as you do every day, but try to show them a little of your personality instead of just talking business.
For the very shy girl, this is a great way to begin to have confidence around guys.
A Tip for the Very Bold Sometimes, a girl can be too confident or hides her lack of confidence behind a tough exterior.
In either case, if you want to make men like you, you won't succeed with very many if they find you intimidating.
Soften your approach by showing that you are interested in what they have to offer.
Smile Smile Smile Smile whenever you greet a man.
Smile broadly when he says something witty (even if it's only witty to him).
Smile when you're at a party, even if you're bored.
It's not a good idea to always pretend to be happy, but when you're in a social situation, looking sulky and broody is always a turn-off.
He's Just Another Person If you are the kind of girl who kicks herself because she clams up when she's around guys, then try forgetting that it's a guy you're talking to.
Make him gender-neutral.
He's just another person.
Often, girls become shy around men because they want to impress them too much.
Why? If he's just another person, he should be as easy to talk to as your girlfriends are.
Like Him First If you want to be liked, you have to like the other person first or in return.
If you meet a guy and feel yourself getting nervous and awkward, show him that you want to get to know him by asking him questions about himself.
If he feels like you like him, it will almost automatically make him like you.
Forget about romance and love for the moment.
Make friends with him first.
Too often, girls are so anxious to make men fall in love with them they forget about friendship.
This is, as the old saying goes, putting the cart before the horse.
Real love is built on a foundation of friendship.
Start by making friends.
Then you will have a big pool of men to choose from.
Even if they don't all fall in love with you, there's a lot of fulfillment just in friendship.
Later, we'll tell you how to make a guy fall in love, so stick with us and check out some of our other dating advice tips.
In the meantime, use these tips to make men like you and make yourself ready to attract men into your life like never before.
It's easy to make men like you if you just know what to do.
A Tip for the Very Shy The first time you try anything new, you lack confidence.
The only way to learn how to swim, for instance, is to get in the water.
Jumping in at the deep end isn't the best idea.
Instead, try talking to guys in safe environments first.
Talk to the guys at work as you do every day, but try to show them a little of your personality instead of just talking business.
For the very shy girl, this is a great way to begin to have confidence around guys.
A Tip for the Very Bold Sometimes, a girl can be too confident or hides her lack of confidence behind a tough exterior.
In either case, if you want to make men like you, you won't succeed with very many if they find you intimidating.
Soften your approach by showing that you are interested in what they have to offer.
Smile Smile Smile Smile whenever you greet a man.
Smile broadly when he says something witty (even if it's only witty to him).
Smile when you're at a party, even if you're bored.
It's not a good idea to always pretend to be happy, but when you're in a social situation, looking sulky and broody is always a turn-off.
He's Just Another Person If you are the kind of girl who kicks herself because she clams up when she's around guys, then try forgetting that it's a guy you're talking to.
Make him gender-neutral.
He's just another person.
Often, girls become shy around men because they want to impress them too much.
Why? If he's just another person, he should be as easy to talk to as your girlfriends are.
Like Him First If you want to be liked, you have to like the other person first or in return.
If you meet a guy and feel yourself getting nervous and awkward, show him that you want to get to know him by asking him questions about himself.
If he feels like you like him, it will almost automatically make him like you.
Forget about romance and love for the moment.
Make friends with him first.
Too often, girls are so anxious to make men fall in love with them they forget about friendship.
This is, as the old saying goes, putting the cart before the horse.
Real love is built on a foundation of friendship.
Start by making friends.
Then you will have a big pool of men to choose from.
Even if they don't all fall in love with you, there's a lot of fulfillment just in friendship.
Later, we'll tell you how to make a guy fall in love, so stick with us and check out some of our other dating advice tips.
In the meantime, use these tips to make men like you and make yourself ready to attract men into your life like never before.