Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How To Get a Woman In Bed - 3 Must Know Tips For Ending The Night Right

You usually don't go out looking to meet women without having any ideas of being able to end up in bed with a woman.
Deep down, that is what you are kind of hoping is going to happen.
Of course, if you are like most men that go out looking to meet women, that just does not happen that often.
In fact, it happens so little, you don't even like to think about it.
What you would like to think about is what it would be like if you could end up getting a woman to end the night with you and that can be done, if you know what you are doing.
Here are 3 must know tips for being able to end the night right and hopefully not alone: 1) Having the mindset of just wanting to meet women and have some fun is much better than having the mindset of trying to hook up.
When a guy goes out with the intention of just having fun, he is going to send out a very different vibe than a guy who is going out just for a possible hook up.
And the ironic part is, the one that is trying to just have some fun is usually the one that actually ends up hooking up with a woman.
That's because women like to meet men that know how to have a good time, not guys that are trying to add notches to their belts.
2) Being able to bounce around instead of trying to get with one specific woman also helps.
One of the worst things that you can do to yourself is to get hung up on one particular woman, especially if she is not attracted to you.
Most guys learn the hard way that it is much easier and better to just play the odds and move around the crowd than to just try to get that one woman that they cannot attract.
3) Flirt with her in a slightly sexual way.
You DO want to flirt with a woman if you want things to actually go somewhere and it does have to be a little bit on the sexual side, but too much is just too much.
You don't want to come across as being fun for a while and then turn into one of those guys who is just trying to talk dirty to her.
You won't get very far with that approach.
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