Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Protein Requirements During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, what you eat affects the growth and development of your baby.
This is because the nutritional needs of the baby in the womb are dependent on you.
There are several nutritional requirements that you should meet during pregnancy.
Although you already have these nutrients in the body, it may not be sufficient enough to meet your own body needs and that of the baby.
Some of the vital nutrients that you should increase your intake are iron, calcium and protein.
Iron, calcium and protein are very essential to the development and growth of the baby.
Iron and folic acid aids in the neuro-brain development, the calcium in bone development and protein as essential building blocks of the muscles.
Let us focus the discussion on the protein needs during pregnancy.
Your protein needs prior to pregnancy is about 45 to 50 grams per day.
However during pregnancy, you may need to increase your protein intake as your protein requirement rises to 70 to 75 grams per day.
Increasing your protein intake is very crucial when you reach the second and third trimester of your pregnancy.
This is the period where baby's development and growth is the fastest.
Insufficient protein can lead to low birth weight in babies.
Nonetheless, you should not worry about this as there are several sources of protein that you can eat to your desire.
Most are dairy products such as cheese, eggs and milk.
Meat and fish as well as beans and legumes are also good sources of protein such as chicken, pork, beef, lobster, crab, salmon and shrimp.
Yet a pregnant woman should be cautious in eating predator fishes such as king mackerel and tuna as they may contain mercury that is harmful to pregnancy and to the growth of the baby in the womb especially to brain development.
Not only does protein helps in the development of your baby but also a good remedy for morning sickness and nausea.
Eating a tablespoon of peanut in the morning will do the trick.
There are a lot of things that you need to meet in order to ensure that your baby grows strong and healthy while inside the womb.
Check with your medical practitioner if your nutritional needs are met sufficiently and if lacking, he may recommend you to take vitamin or protein supplements.
When you are pregnant, the nutrients in your body are being used in the growth of your baby.
make sure that your body nutrients are sufficient so that you and your baby stay healthy during pregnancy.
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