Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Book Review - Cracks in the Sidewalk by Bette Lee Crosby

The summary of Cracks in the Sidewalk hardly do it justice and when I found out it was based on a true story, that made it even more meaningful to me.
This was truly a great story filled with all the heartache and happiness real life has to offer and it was so brilliantly told that I couldn't help but be moved to tears.
Cracks in the Sidewalk peaked my curiosity from the word go.
As Claire explained her desire for a large family I found myself immediately drawn to her.
As an only child myself, I completely understand the desire to surround one's self with children and dreams of grandchildren.
My heart broke when she received the news that she would only have one child.
I could only imagine Claire's incredible joy when she was blessed with three lovely grandchildren.
I actually stopped reading Cracks in the Sidewalk when Claire's daughter began having troubles with her pregnancy.
I am 31 weeks pregnant myself and the details of Crosby's writing and how the characters feel so real just hit too close to home.
I was able to put the book down but I still couldn't put the characters out of my mind.
It reminded me of a close friendship, you can go quite a long time without talking to someone but they are so embedded in your heart you can't let them go.
That's how I felt about Claire and her family.
I worked through the tears and went back to reading.
I feel like Claire is more than a character in a book; she feels more like a close friend or neighbor.
I would describe her as one of the strongest women I know.
I can't imagine slowly losing your daughter and then losing your grandchildren as well.
Her resilience is remarkable and her spirit is something that will stick in my mind forever.
Cracks in the Sidewalk is the third book I've read by Bette Lee Crosby and I must say she does a great job bringing out the spirit of each character.
I finished the last chapter sobbing and I wasn't sure if I was crying for joy or because my heart was broken.
I do know I hold each character in my heart as if I had been part of the story.
What a touching work by Crosby and I recommend this book to anyone who has ever loved or longed for a child.
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